Game Thread

2022-23 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Pistons – At Least Detroit Doesn’t Shoot Threes Well

The Knicks somehow are hosting the shitty Detroit Pistons for the second time in the first twelve games. That’s weird scheduling, right?

The Pistons have been playing a bit better than their awful first meeting against the Knicks, but they still don’t shoot well and they don’t play a ton of defense, so this should be a nice respite for the Knicks and, paired with the next game against OKC, a prime chance to get over .500 before their West Coast Trip.

And since anything short of, like, a ten-game losing streak is not going to change the Knicks’ front office’s view about this team, we might as well continue to root for wins, so, well…

Let’s go, Knicks!

193 replies on “2022-23 Game Thread: Knicks vs. Pistons – At Least Detroit Doesn’t Shoot Threes Well”

No Cade tonight,
Hart will start,
Grimes is still “situational” (Thibs’ words pre-game).

Let’s Go Knicks!

I remember watching ref Leon Wood playing for my Italian team in (checkā€¦) 1991!

OMG, time fliesā€¦ šŸ™

That was like 4 offensive boards on one play for the Knicks. Detroit sucks.

And yet the Knicks are down by 2…

Just tuned in for an RJ three and a Randle fast break “and 1” — seems promising

If Leon didnā€™t pull the trigger on Mitchell heā€™s definitely not pulling the trigger on beal.

Leon did pull the trigger on Mitchell. It’s just that he was holding one of those clown guns that shoots a flag that says bang.

Obi with a very nice drive and interior pass to RJ for the foul. Props.

Whoever said Barrett’s good at D may need to reconsider after that Diallo rebound takeaway and then cut along the baseline.

We need to trade for Killian Hayes. He’s another lefty, and he grew up in France.

What more do we need.

Wasnā€™t D-Rose that got blocked?

The previous play, RJ with 3 defenders in front of him instead of passing the ball back to Quickley for the 3P, tried to shoot it and i think he was blocked because the ball didn’t go further than the arms of the defender

Can you imagine fouling Fournier twice away from the play while over the limit?

Awesome play by Rose to get to the hoop so quickly. That Burks three looked fugly, but it went in.

At least three wide-open rolls to the basket by Hart that various Knicks ignored/missed.

No idea if he can make those, but damn it, someone should find out.

The Pistons just don’t seem like they even give a shit, right? What’s up with that team? Isn’t Casey supposed to be better than this?

Question for the cognoscenti of KB. When it is ripe to declare the Reddish trade a failure?

Question for the cognoscenti of KB. When it is ripe to declare the Reddish trade a failure?

The instant he didn’t get minutes upon being traded for, that trade was a failure.

“Sorry but the Phil jackson era was FAR worse than what Leon has done.”

I realize this was unclear but I was comparing Phil Jackson to Elon Musk, not Leon Rose

That was the most interesting part of this game ā€“ by far.

While true, hey, at least they’re taking advantage of the Pistons being terrible. The Pistons have won same games this year, ya know? So somebody must lose to these guys. Good it’s not the Knicks.

No one said Germans were good actors.

Although Hartenstein is basically American I guess. Spent first 12 years here.

Pistons have terrible vibes. Inside track for VW

Question for the cognoscenti of KB. When it is ripe to declare the Reddish trade a failure?

A. When they made it
B. Before this season, when they were unable to trade him
C. Now

Vote guys! šŸ™‚

The Modelo ad with Lillard doesn’t make any sense. Like, “He was the underdog drafted…sixth overall.”

Question for the cognoscenti of KB. When it is ripe to declare the Reddish trade a failure?

The instant he didnā€™t get minutes upon being traded for, that trade was a failure.

Nah, the formal position here is game 20.

I mean, I appreciate that he’s not trying to do too much, which has always been his problem. But we’ll see if the only alternative is always to do too little. I’m willing to give him a few more games, even though I have no confidence whatsoever.

I know Cade is out but my God the Pistons look awful.

I guess if they’re awful with Cade dominating usage, without him, they’re even worse?

I’ve never heard “Feline quickness, canine attitude” from Clyde before. That’s a great line. He says feline quickness a lot, but I haven’t heard that canine part of it before.

At least three wide-open rolls to the basket by Hart that various Knicks ignored/missed.

Good call.
The number of times our ballhandlers miss this kind of play is unbelievable, like theyā€™re forbidden to even tryā€¦

I like how “First half minutes for Grimes” is something that surprised Breen.

You don’t like it when teams are hunting a specific player on your team on defense. Granted, Ivey can’t hit free throws, but just getting guys into foul trouble is useful.

‘I like how ā€œFirst half minutes for Grimesā€ is something that surprised Breen.’

AND we’re getting Obi and Randle.

Bogie must think that his new deal makes him easier to trade, right? He can’t want to play here longterm, can he?

Katz called Thibsā€™ new rotations management ā€œWild Westā€ on Twitterā€¦

This game is borderline unwatchable to begin with let alone with the refs calling fouls on nearly every possession.

This game is borderline unwatchable to begin with let alone with the refs calling fouls on nearly every possession.


January 11, 2017 at 21:27
Feline quickness, canine attitude.
Brian Croninsays:
January 11, 2017 at 21:28
It is absolutely astonishing that they let the Sixers get back into this game. Goodness me, they are so bad.

This game is borderline unwatchable

That’s why Breen and Clyde are talking about Motown

Vet savvy from Burks saying to himself, “I gotta get Grimes out of this game.”

Iā€™m not on Reddish island, but I do not consider the trade a failure yet. He seems to be getting better. I would wait and see how it plays out.

Was that Hayes’ third foul away from the play while over the foul limit?

Was that Hayesā€™ third foul away from the play while over the foul limit?

Hayes is an undercover Knicks agent. šŸ˜€

The open looks that the Knicks have been getting have been amazing. How can the Pistons be this bad on offense and be not good at all on defense?

“oof not a great looking pair of three balls there”

Gotta be something in the air. Both teams combined 10/41!

Random question, but I was watching the League Pass stream, and why are there so few Knicks City Dancers? I swear, the last time I remember seeing them a couple years ago, there were like 20 of them. Now thereā€™s like 8.

Max, you’re killing me again.

I’m just going to say it. I think the new Knicks City Dancers are killing it. Maybe it’s the choreographer, but it’s no longer cheerleaders.

RJ got his 20, weā€™ll see him showered and in street clothes after the breakā€¦

Maaaaaan, haha.
Maybe heā€™ll stay in the game and be point-RJ to shoot for a career night in assists.

Btw Iā€™m not watching the game bc Iā€™m at this hood-ass wedding receptionā€¦

20 pts on 12 FGA is pretty good.

It is, but prolly not as good as this loud the groomā€™s son is rolling up next to me and the mrsā€¦

Watching the Celtics rain threes some games ago has “confused” Randle as to his priorities.

Okay, now this quarter looks more like how you should be taking care of a team as bad as the Pistons. The Knicks are methodically picking them apart. It’s good to see.

Barrett has played well this game, and more importantly (to me) has yet to really piss me off. That’s a win-win.

I think the KCD wanted to go for a reboot. I think they got one of BeyoncĆ©ā€™s choreographers. Smaller squad. More dancing.

That was what someone said to me at the game anyway.

I am now watching the Crown. I think the Pistons have about as much of a future as Charles and Diana.

Brunson doesn’t have great chances to be an all star. There’s a lot of good guards in the east. But hey, it’s good that he sets high goals.

Yeah, RJ has looked great today on offense. On defense, well, like I said in the headline….

RJ is having a very good game and November RJ has been much better than his October selfā€¦
Weā€™re talking offense obviously.

I’m literally writing an article about 9/11 while I’m watching the game. Odd.

Bogie needs to be on a good team, like yesterday.

Does the Knicks qualify as a good team? Fournier and Cam for Bojan?

The Pistons – “Wow, we can’t hit threes at all.”

The Pistons, Also – “Man, we should keep shooting threes every possession, right?”

Hayes, as he shoots another awful three, “This is the right call here in my mind.”

Casey obviously told them to go 2 for 1 if possible, but when Hayes didn’t have a shot in that time frame, but he still decided to take a shot anyways. High-larious.

Pistons are shooting 12.5% from 3P !?

And they keep jacking them up!

I spoke a bit too soon for Burks’ savvy, since he turned down the three to then take…a super long two, which he also bricked.

Fournier needs to start accumulating DNP-CDs soon.

He obviously didn’t fit the starting five, but he also doesn’t seem to have a clear cut role in the second unit, either. Like Bogie, he probably would fit better with a better team where he could be covered for more on defense.

I believe I had Diallo for the Sumner, if healthy

I canā€™t watch the Crown. My wife canā€™t not watch it. Ipad time

First time my post has crossed four others saying the same thing. Great minds think alike.

Wow, what an ugly play by Duran, only to be bailed out by the phantom foul.

This is pretty Knicksy

And yeah, great three by Obi

The Sumner competition really heating up. Had no idea Livers could shoot.

Even had he not had the foul, Diallo had already thrown the ball away.

Duren is so talented and yet so, so unpolished. I wouldn’t bet against him figuring it out eventually (he’s so young), but wow, he is so unpolished. His mistakes are just so glaring.

Brunson is good. We havenā€™t had anyone who can do that.

Yeah, there have been a few different games this season where Brunson wouldn’t let them lose. Games they absolutely would have lost last season.

Not sure who is a better bet to be useful between Ivey and Duren.

But I canā€™t remember many people who came into the league with a more imposing look.

Shaq and Dwight. A few others.

How in the world did they give IQ a timeout there? Huge play for the Knicks.

Maybe the Pistons should have thought of having their good three-point shooters shoot earlier in the game?

Hartensteinā€™s play this quarter has moved me to downgrade him to ā€œdoesnā€™t deserve his girlfriendā€

Imagine being the coach of the Pistons and being, like, “Yeah, let me stick with Hayes here, when everyone knows he is not going to shoot and his decision-making sucks.”

And yes, between Hayes and Frankie Smokes, I think we need to bring down VWā€™s stock 23%

nothing quite so healing for the soul as mike breen going “BANG” in the closing seconds of the fourth after a clutch knicks three

Hayes’ decision-making is so bad. Nice IQ three , but really, the game was over as soon as Burks missed that open look. The IQ three was more important for him than the game itself, ya know?

Hayesā€™ decision-making is so bad. Nice IQ three , but really, the game was over as soon as Burks missed that open look. The IQ three was more important for him than the game itself, ya know?

oh yeah for sure, its kind of heartwarming to see him getting some results from deep again

RJ 7-9 inside the arc, 7/8 from the line, 5 boards, 5 assists, 1 TO. Prodigious showing from the neophyte

I think when guys as skinny as Camby put on weight its quite disoncerting. But he also looks like a bit of a drifter.

I am glad RJ fixed his season line. And glad Burks is still Burksing.


Frank was barely a player in Europe when we draft him,
Hayes was better (especially at Ulm) but far a star,
VW is for real, he made waves in Euroleague last year and heā€™s growing game by game this season,
My only concerns are his frame and the ability to quickly adjust to NBA defenses.

RJ 7-9 inside the arc, 7/8 from the line, 5 boards, 5 assists, 1 TO. Prodigious showing from the neophyte

One of his best games by far on offense.

The Pistons making it a game is all on the bench. Randle, RJ and Brunson were all really good on offense tonight.

Before the season I posted some numbers and said that the best lineup according to previous-season data would be Brunson, IQ, Obi, Randle, Hart, and that’s pretty much what we closed with, so I’m pleased. RJ for Obi, obviously, but given Obi’s issues on D, I can live with that. It’s a two-way lineup – not great per se, but probably the best we can put together, with relatively complementary skills.

Watching Hayes, you can see why you’d want to give the guy a shot. He has all of the physical tools of an NBA player. His decision-making, however, sucks, and he can’t hit outside shots. Those are things that young player can learn (while you can’t teach his physical abilities), but Hayes hasn’t gotten there yet and honestly, if it hasn’t happened yet, the chances of it happening are dimming quickly (and yet, DSJ looks like he’s starting to put things together in Year Six…).

Our ā€œbig-3ā€ did their job well, the rest of the team was meh,
but in a night where Orlando beat the Suns by 17, OKC trounced Toronto and the Spurs are crushing the Bucks, Iā€™m glad with the winā€¦

Any win is a good thing but it wasnā€™t pretty. As good a game as Brunson had, he did it with Cade out. Vs NJ he looked awful because he could not defend a bigger PG. his defense merits worry. Heā€™s far better than what the Knicks have had but that doesnā€™t say much. It doesnā€™t make him elite or a star.

Max – I was just kidding. I know VW is the real
deal and wonā€™t bring dishonor to France.

Brunson was really impressive. I hate archetypes like ā€œguy who can get you a big bucket in crunch timeā€ but Brunson is that and I love it.

1. RJ is playing much better. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll have another rough patch or two, but hopefully theyā€™ll be shorter and further apart this season than in the past. After that dreadful start his TS% is now probably near his career high. Another week of this and heā€™ll have it in the respectable area I set as a goal for this year.

2. Thereā€™s not much else to say about Brunson. Heā€™s going to have rough matchups from time to time, but so does everyone else.

3. The key from here is improving the defense. Then games like this wonā€™t be so challenging and weā€™ll have a chance to upset the better teams from time to time. Right now the defense is not even average. The goal HAS TO BE to try to have a top 10 defense. Maybe Grimes will help once heā€™s back to 100%, but you can see how losing guys like Bullock and Burks hurt the defense. Maybe Mitch will be back soon.


I know youā€™re joking (and it was a nice joke) šŸ™‚

I was trying to make the point that both Frank and Hayes were ā€œprojectsā€ and both drafted too high, the Pistons didnā€™t learn the lesson despite our previous miss with Frank.

Brunsonā€™s not good enough to get this team many wins against top tier opponents but heā€™s plenty good enough to keep them from losing to terrible ones.

Randle had a nice game despite going 0-7 from three,
he had some stretches of solid defense too…
I like “bruiser” Randle much more than “spot-up” Randle…

I wonder what Brunson’s odds are at getting an all star nod if he can keep producing something like 20ppg/7.5apg and keep the knicks around .500

I wonder what Brunson’s odds are at getting an all star nod if he can keep producing something like 20ppg/7.5apg and keep the knicks around .500

I wouldn’t put the odds too high. Too many good guards and wings in the East. The Hawks might have two All Star guards, ya know?

Probably not fair but I think the Knicks would have to go on a real run for Jalen to get any AS buzz.

I wouldnā€™t put the odds too high. Too many good guards and wings in the East. The Hawks might have two All Star guards, ya know?

Yeah I’d agree with that. I suppose it depends on the narrative – if the Knicks stay afloat long enough to generate some buzz Brunson will (deservedly) probably get a pretty good sized chunk of the praise and maybe that’s the path, idk.

Hartensteinā€™s play this quarter has moved me to downgrade him to ā€œdoesnā€™t deserve his girlfriendā€

Tough, but fair.

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