
Knicks Morning News (2024.09.06)

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  • A 3-Team Julius Randle Trade That Would Get New York Knicks to Bite – Bleacher Report
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  • My Journey to Blackstone Started With the NBA and the Army Rangers – Business Insider
    [Business Insider] – Thu, 05 Sep 2024 13:47:00 GMT

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  • 43 replies on “Knicks Morning News (2024.09.06)”

    To save y’all from clicking on the link, the proposal is Julius Randle, the DET pick, the WAS pick… for Grant Williams and Nick Richards.

    Cyber, that’s one of the worst trades ever imagined on the internet.

    I love ya Cyber, but I’ve gotta side with Hubie on this one.

    We’re giving up an all-star for 2 backup level players and we’re the one’s giving up picks???

    It makes sense from a roster construction lens when thinking solely about position, and maybe it makes sense from a cap sheet perspective. It absolutely does not make sense from a talent perspective.

    Forgive my harsh assessment, Cyber. It was directed at the article, not you.

    The problem with the trade is it presents Randle as an albatross whose salary we’re desperate to get rid of, thus we give up picks and get so little back.

    That’s the kind of trade you make for Eddy Curry, not Julius.

    Nick Richards always looks like an all star against us. He looks like ideal big phenotypically. And his numbers aren’t terrible.

    As I recall he is a total zero on defense.

    We get worse and give up picks to do it. This is a trade for Randle haters. I’m not in favor at all.

    To elaborate, Richard’s is probably a little better than Sims, but not by much. Williams is nowhere near as good as Randle.

    Edit: my post crossed with everyone else’s while I was looking up numbers. But we all seem to agree.

    Forgetting about Nick Richards, would there be a trade for a good starter C and a good backup PF to be made in exchange for Randle and the 2 protected picks, or even this type of trade doesn’t make sense?

    Like, would the Rockets go for star power with Randle, and give us Sengun and Eason? That’s what i was thinking about, and i guess not watching too much of the other teams made me think Richards was (a lot) better than he is.

    But i’m not a Randle hater, i’m almost always against trading him, because i think winning with him, that started all this, would be an even better feeling than winning without him.

    It’s really hard to find a center trade that makes us better given our outgoing salary constraints.

    Kessler & Duren feel like the best options but why would their teams trade them?

    We still haven’t used the TPMLE to get a $5M salary, which I find curious. I was pretty high on taking a Guerschon Yabusele flier with it before the Sixers got him at the min.

    I am resigned to our center savior not coming this year, but optimistic that our small lineups will overcome.

    That trade is a terrible idea. So are all of the other proposed trades, including the Sengun/Eason one that will never happen. Right now it’s a seller’s market for second-third level C’s, so my preference is to wait and hope that the market softens a bit. That could be either around the trade deadline or next offseason. In the meantime, keep your ear to the ground and work the phones in the case that either a good prospect shakes loose as teams make roster cuts, or before the deadline as teams look to shed salary.

    In any case, the notion of trading Randle for virtually anyone he would bring back should be off the table. It would be way more irresponsible to trade him now than it would have been two years ago when he was “the most detrimental player in the NBA”, and that’s saying something. Randle’s value is at a short-term bottom due to several factors, and he is in a quasi-contract year and has a lot to prove…I expect a huge year from him. Unless something crazy manifests itself, like an AD trade, you will never get fair value back for him at this time.

    I don’t think Houston wants to trade Sengun unless the trade is overwhelmingly in their favor. From my understanding they view him as the future of the organization.

    Tari might be expendable just because they have so many good young players, but they definitely like him too.

    Kessler seems like the best bet but Utah is gonna ask for a billion 1st round picks even while they never play him.

    Hopefully a team with a decent C craps out by the deadline and decides to blow it up. Otherwise it’s just a holding season and maybe we can look to acquire one next year.

    (I think a lot of the Richards talk was just about getting someone tall who can block shots. Idk, maybe Thibs can mold him)

    As one of the most vehement “please trade Randle” posters 2 years ago, I really don’t want to trade him for anyone who is clearly not a better PF than him, even if it upgrades the C position. It is not just that he proved me wrong 2 years ago, but the idea of being a bad fit has not been tested for any length of time and in the short window when it was tested his fit looked pretty good to me. If indeed he looks like a bad fit or maybe lost a bit post injury we certainly should be able to trade him for a better haul than anything I have seen. And to give up on Sims before he even gets to demonstrate what his first injury free off-season let him get better at for Richards seems premature. Plus I hate Grant Williams–he annoys people without the Josh Hart likeability factor.

    One possibility is to deal with WAS and DET in a way that returns their own picks to them, not because of the fear of conveying but maybe they want to make a big consolidation trade involving picks that is hampered by the rolling over of the protected picks. The Pistons have Beef Stew, Duren and Reed. The Wiz have Holmes, JV, Sarr, and Bagley. Other than Sarr, maybe one of those guys might become available and some might be attainable without including one of our top 7. You might have to sacrifice one or more of Precious, Deuce, Sims, Kolek, Dadiet to get one, but it might be a reasonable way to go.

    I’d prefer to sit tight and hope for good health (Mitch), improvement (Precious, Sims, Huk), and flexibility using smaller lineups (Thibs) until the right deal comes along than to empty the cupboard for any of those guys except maybe Duren, who I absolutely love.

    Let’s look at the bright side, i had you guys talking about the Knicks more than usual. 😀

    I know ptmilo talked down Duren as a rim protector but I’m still a fan. The kid is just 21.

    I just don’t think Deuce + Dadiet + Detroit’s pick is enough to pry him.

    If you offer Donte you could probably get him in a heartbeat, but I’m not sure I like him that much.

    Let’s look at the bright side, i had you guys talking about the Knicks more than usual. 😀

    that’s funny cyber…

    I’ll tell ya sir, as the season gets closer I am more and more looking forward to mikal putting on that knicks uni…

    I really enjoy watching him play ball, such a smooth and graceful player…

    I think just like how OG brought us to the next level, I think mikal’s excellent all around game will do the same…

    Let’s look at the bright side, i had you guys talking about the Knicks more than usual. 😀


    I listened to the Roommates interview with Mark Cuban. It was good. One thing Cuban said is relevant here. He said that Dallas was very happy that by having both Gafford and Lively they had 48 minutes of rim protection. I think teams didn’t use to think this way, but the success of teams like Minnesota and New York has shown the league that this is a valuable thing to have. I’d love to find another Hartenstein to team up with Mitch, but I think such a player suddenly costs too much unless you draft and develop him. So I’m not holding my breath.

    By the way, Skapintsev looked pretty good in summer league. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets some minutes in training camp.

    I’d love to find another Hartenstein to team up with Mitch, but I think such a player suddenly costs too much unless you draft and develop him.

    I’d like to think the draft is where we could find him, but it will be hard to trade in.

    I find myself increasingly annoyed by how we structured the Bridges deal. Would they really have said no if we insisted the picks be in ‘24, ‘26, ‘28, and ‘30? That structure would have allowed us to trade a 2032 pick this summer.

    Perhaps Dadiet and Kolek will make it worth it down the line.

    This draft sucked, next year’s draft is supposed to be awesome, and the Nets want as much ammo as they can get for that draft. They would not have agreed to making it be even numbered years.

    The hope for me is that both Kolek and Deuce become so good that either one of them is expendable and highly marketable. I would prefer that Deuce develops to the point that he is a legit backup PG rather than a small wing masquerading as a PG. My guess is that Kolek is going to have very serious deficiencies on the defensive end, but with enough minutes in the right lineups maybe he can look good enough to have significant value in a trade package. But if it turns out that we have to sacrifice Deuce, we still have Cam Payne and Kolek to masquerade as Brunson for 10-15 mpg with any 3 of Hart, DDV, Mikal, OG and Randle on the floor with him.

    In other words, I’m very emotionally attached to Deuce, but unless he REALLY breaks out, you can divvy up his minutes/role between Hart, Mikal, DDV, Kolek and Payne without losing much if it means getting a better C on the roster.

    They would not have agreed to making it be even numbered years.

    I’m not sure we can speak with such certainty about things no one can know. 6 first round picks in even numbered years would have still been an unprecedented return, and likely the best offer by a wide margin.

    It’s possible we might have been the ones who pushed for the odd years because we wanted to make picks this year. That seemed like the smart thing to do at the time.

    The regular season really isn’t an issue. We have a lot of depth, enough that we should have a good year even with some injuries and weak centers. The hand-wringing is really about winning a title, or at least the ECF. I don’t think we can without a better center, but it’s good to keep that in perspective – this isn’t the wish-casting of previous years where we were just hoping not to be pathetic. We are good. It’s a weird feeling, and hard to let go of the usual anxiety about the season. We remain one move away…or just need some serious luck (Mitch’s playoff health, an injury here and there to the Celtics, Sixers). Which is a fine position, and I’m trying to chill out on it all.

    whoa rama – up late or up early?

    it’s another 110 degree day here, was curious what the temp in ulaanbaatar was…looks like the weather there is pretty nice this time of year…

    went out to do some errands this morning – one of the first days in the area here where it’s begun to smell a little smokey…

    the smell of smoke is pretty frequent here during the fall…

    just looked over your latest newsletter al – that is sooooo cool reading about your methodology for compiling that 100 best episodes list…

    thanks for sharing that with folks…

    like a beautiful sports car, or a lovely lady – not going to worry too much about costs, just gonna enjoy the ride…

    This ^^^^^^^^^^ 😀

    I’m back, Geo! Sort of – flew home over the last couple days and jumped off the plane in Newark to hang in NYC for a bit, crashing with a friend. Culture shock in full effect – this country is so, so wealthy…

    Payne will be a score first backup PG until Kolek is ready to take over the backup PG role. The sooner Kolek is ready to take over the better. I’m not overly worried about his defense even though he’s likely to be a liability. He’s a backup and it’s not like Brunson is a plus defender either. I like Deuce, but I don’t he’s ever going to be a playmaking PG. I think ultimately Payne is out and maybe Deuce will be part of a trade depending on how everything goes at C.

    are we almost all wearing nice clothing? footwear?

    do we mostly look very well fed?

    easy means of transport for most?

    is it a more socially interactive experience over there, as compared to here?

    Geo, guessing you’re asking me, so:

    I am a man, sir, and do not pay too much attention to footwear. My apologies. As for clothes, it seemed like most of the guys wear althetic gear – very very few people were in suits or even “business casual.” So there’s no comparison. But, many women do dress up and were everything from elegant to dressy to casual.

    Americans are fat. It’s embarrassing. Mongolians are often stocky, but it seems to be a cultural norm – maybe because winters are freezing. I get the sense that younger Mongolians are getting better nutrition, and so are generally taller and less round. But it’s just a guess of what’s happening.

    If you have a horse or a motorcycle, getting around Mongolia is no problem. Otherwise…let’s just say it was the first and hopefully last time I’m on a bus that goes off-road because the actual roads are so bad. And traffic in the capital city was just nuts. Much easier to walk everywhere, if you’re centrally located enough.

    One of the big draws of Mongolia is the nomadic culture – being warm toward guests is part of the deal. So in general people are more friendly. But I also had some who stared at me because I’m white – and I saw maybe 2 black people the whole time I was there, which makes me think there’d be even more staring. So it isn’t always comfortable. For my part, I’ve found most Americans to be pretty friendly, including in NYC. We may be impatient, but almost everyone is willing to help you out if you’re lost or whatever. So overall it isn’t a huge difference in social interaction, I don’t think. But unless I spoke fluent Mongolian, it would be hard to say definitively.

    One thing about Mongolia: they LOVE hoop. There were courts everywhere, enough so I eventually bought a ball. Mostly I played with kids, but that was fun – teaching them how to move on defense, work on their off hands, use their body when going in for a layup, etc. Most of them know how to shoot, which was interesting. I should have asked if they’re all watching Steph Curry or something. When I stayed in the Gobi Desert, my host told me his favorite player was Carmelo! I almost asked for my money back.

    Rama, I’ve actually walked into an empty ger out in the countryside (led by a local guide, since holy cow no American would think to do it since that’s a great way to get shot), and just sat there until the owner showed up, who would nod and pour some tea or stew depending on what was on the stove. Not sure I’d do it in the gers around UB, since that’s basically the ghetto, and not sure if the rural culture came with.

    I’m also partial to the idea of breaking down your house in 30 minutes, hitching it to your camel, and getting out of wherever. Although I guess it’s a bit comparable to RV culture.

    Your bus story made me smile.

    Payne will be a score first backup PG until Kolek is ready to take over the backup PG role

    I’ve always found Cam Payne to be kind of annoying with that fugly shot and his over exuberant celebrations after making a 3 pointer in the second quarter.

    But now that he’s wearing the orange and the blue, love the guy!

    I don’t like Cam Payne but think he’s a pretty excellent pickup for the vet minimum. And more than adequate as a backup point. With JB, him and TK, and Mikal and DDV, and OG and Hart, we are really deep at some key positions. If only we had been able to keep Isaiah… But we couldn’t, so fuckit. Let’s go!

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