
Knicks Morning News (2024.08.28)

  • Joy of working with Knicks rookie Tyler Kolek helped trainer push through addiction battle – New York Post
    [New York Post] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:09:00 GMT
    1. Joy of working with Knicks rookie Tyler Kolek helped trainer push through addiction battle
    2. Knicks Tyler Kolek Was the Biggest STEAL of the 2024 NBA Draft
    3. Knicks’ Tom Thibodeau ‘Massive Fan’ of Tyler Kolek
    4. New York Knicks Have One of NBA’s Most Overlooked Rookies
    5. Knicks Tom Thibodeaus True Thoughts About Rookie, Revealed

  • Carmelo Anthony on coming back to the Knicks before retiring: They offered me a role at the end of the bench, but I couldn’t do that – Hoops Hype
    [Hoops Hype] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:49:47 GMT
    1. Carmelo Anthony on coming back to the Knicks before retiring: They offered me a role at the end of the bench, but I couldn’t do that
    2. Why Carmelo Anthony turned down opportunity to retire with Knicks
    3. Melo’s Near Return to Knicks, Kiyan No.1 in NYC, Anthony Edwards Duo & More | Carmelo Answers All
    4. Knicks Almost Had Reunion With Melo
    5. Former Knicks legend nearly re-signed with the team in 2022

  • New York Knicks Guard Already Outplaying Contract – Sports Illustrated
    [Sports Illustrated] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 11:00:02 GMT

    New York Knicks Guard Already Outplaying Contract

  • New York Knicks Center Option Needs New NBA Team – Sports Illustrated
    [Sports Illustrated] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 11:00:01 GMT

    New York Knicks Center Option Needs New NBA Team

  • Knicks not among Eastern Conference elite, according to NBA 2K25 – New York Daily News
    [New York Daily News] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 17:26:40 GMT

    Knicks not among Eastern Conference elite, according to NBA 2K25

  • Grade the Trade: Knicks say goodbye to Julius Randle for a center in mock proposal – Daily Knicks
    [Daily Knicks] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 12:00:02 GMT

    Grade the Trade: Knicks say goodbye to Julius Randle for a center in mock proposal

  • Boston sports legend thinks Knicks are on the brink of a championship – Empire Sports Media
    [Empire Sports Media] – Tue, 27 Aug 2024 13:34:06 GMT

    Boston sports legend thinks Knicks are on the brink of a championship

  • 26 replies on “Knicks Morning News (2024.08.28)”

    Thanks for all the kind words.

    I may be turning the corner. The fever dropped to 100 and my throat is improved enough to eat. I have a persistent cough, but I don’t feel nearly as sick. If there are no relapses I should be back in business soon. 🙏

    Good to hear you’re getting better, Strat. 🙂 I’m keeping Frank island neat until you return to full health. 😉 😀

    Yeah. Kinda reminded me of The Fighter. Christian Bale won for playing Dickie Ecklund. Addiction is a beast.

    Also made me think that the pandemic really put a wrinkle in sports training. Life in general, but some people went full Goku. Some people learned sourdough culture.

    It’s also pretty slippery to cop out behind the “well Leon would trade Hart or DDV if certain conditions arose (the vague ‘it would improve the team”) and then suggest that no such trade would present itself all year, and if it did we’d hear about it.

    Hart and DDV represent over $30M in outgoing salary. I am pretty confident that if a center in that salary range was even theoretically available for trade, we would hear about it.

    If we’re only trading one of them, I still think we’d hear the theoretical target was on the market, but more importantly we have to again deal with the pesky “does the trade actually make us better” question.

    On your list of targets you include guys that are barely even better than SimsChiuwa like Looney and JV, is trading crucial rotation pieces for these guys a good use of resources? I’m quite skeptical.

    Then you have another class of guys where you have to squint really hard to see a case for their current teams preferring Josh Hart + the Knicks’ remaining pick scraps to them, like Capela and Poeltl.

    I’m just not seeing the allegedly super obvious upgrade we’re refusing to make because it would break up the Nova Corps.

    Macri is going to give me PTSD with this multi-part newsletter imagining the hypothetical scenarios where we drafted Steph, Spida, and/or any of the non-Kevin Knox alternatives. (Never mind that we had no realistic chance to take Steph. The mistake there was passing on DeMar or Jrue. And even had we done that, or somehow gotten Steph, odds are that guy would have gone to Houston in the Jared Jeffries salary dump.)

    Just got buzzed by a Blackhawk helicopter on the beach. Those things are terrifying and magnificent.

    Macri’s alternate history was fun, but instead of the version in which we trade up for Steph I would’ve gone with the simpler version in which we win 3 fewer games in 2008-2009 and just draft him with our own pick.

    I will say, I’m less convinced than Macri that the Steph-Melo dynamic would’ve been papered over smoothly. Melo did seem to reach a point, somewhat begrudgingly, in his career in which he didn’t prioritize being the clear number one option, but that was well-after the early 2010s.

    Knicks are not in a desperate need of a center. Mitch is amazing and his luck is due to change. He was doing a solid job on Embiid before he was injured by him on a dirty play. We can’t help ourselves by discussing and focusing on weaknesses only. There are so many elite strengths on this team, lets focus on killer lineup combinations instead.

    The good news is that culturally we’re not rooting for a bunch of whosits and whatsits. Whatever happens, whether we find the philosopher stone or not we’re not a bunch of dweebs counting the ways to get the girl. The way is there. By some kind of grace.

    Mitch is amazing and his luck is due to change.

    If you flip a coin and it ends up tails every time, at some point you’ve gotta start thinking it isn’t your luck that’s bad, it’s the coin.

    The good news is that culturally we’re not rooting for a bunch of whosits and whatsits.

    Yes. This is the thing. IMO we’re mostly confused (and quiet) because our hearts are now wide open to be broken in particularly Knicksy fashion.

    If the gods protect our boys from injuries, we could go deeeeeep this year. If not, we’re back to squabbling over 2nd round draft picks.

    well, made it to page 11 of Titanium Noir…

    plug on the case got pulled the session after opening arguments…mistrial…

    i’ll tell ya though, just from what little i had heard – i was fitting to do all i could to see the defendant walk away from that situation…

    they reminded me a bit of my mom…ma’s people are from central america, this lady looked to come from folks further south, mountain area of the northern part of south america maybe…

    latin american descent nonetheless…wasn’t really though the appearance that got me…

    lady was accused of assault with a deadly weapon…stabbed this fellow in his sleep…

    immediately made me think of something ma told me…

    my dad was a big mean guy, ma was over a hundred pounds lighter and a foot shorter…

    he wasn’t too shy about laying hands on myself and sister, never touched ma though, she said the reason was because she told him that she would stab him in his sleep if he ever touched her…

    i believed her, dad was smart enough to believe her…

    seems like solid strategy for an undersized combatant…

    plus the defendant had a documented history of mental health issues, the guy was sleeping on the floor when he got stabbed, he shouldn’t have been there…

    i would have been interested to learn what laws/rules could possibly exonerate that type of behavior…i’d have taken real good notes on that part…

    first time called for jury selection, during the process learned the key phrases to use if i ever wanted to get myself dismissed: god don’t want me judging others and hell no i can’t be fair

    4 years of west point, never sat on an honor board…was in the old building (Nininger Hall) plenty of times to grab pizza from the shop that was set up in the basement, did sit in the board room one time senior year for some “activities” meeting…just remember the sun hitting the old glass on the windows, and place smelling like old wood…

    If you flip a coin and it ends up tails every time, at some point you’ve gotta start thinking it isn’t your luck that’s bad, it’s the coin.

    I heard a variation on that a lot time ago.

    Some guy flips a coin and it comes up head 10 times in a row. What should you bet next?

    1. Tails is due (gambler’s fallacy)
    2. It doesn’t matter it’s still 50-50
    3. Heads. It might be crooked coin and if not you are still 50-50

    I’m not 100%, but I’m still improvng! Yay.

    Mitch is amazing and his luck is due to change.

    Neither of these are true. Mitch has steadily gotten less good and less reliable as his body has broken down. He is the worst FT shooter in NBA history at this point and can no longer finish at the rim — he might be worse than Knicks era Joakim Noah offensively.

    Defensively he’s not significantly better than iHart was. Relying on him as our only center makes us a worse team than we had last year.

    Nobody’s luck is “due to change.” Injury prone players tend to get more injury prone over time, not less.

    he wasn’t too shy about laying hands on myself and sister, never touched ma though, she said the reason was because she told him that she would stab him in his sleep if he ever touched her…

    Hahahah… Reminds me what my wife told me in 1990 when we started dating…”If you ever beat me, you better kill me…because you gotta sleep sometime….”

    What should you bet next?

    Wrong framing of the question…Let me see if I can help.

    Leon does not have to bet before hand…he can just basketball gods flip the coin on 11th try and see what it is. If tails then all is well, – goes back to sleep.

    If its heads again, – Leon knows that he must wake up, get dressed & go out to pick up some tail.

    He is the worst FT shooter in NBA history at this point and can no longer finish at the rim

    Thats not fair. He can finish just fine. As for FT shooting, sure you are right; but he makes up by leading the entire league in offensive rerbounds which is a key metric and adds a boat load of points in this offense. Knicks will score ~120 this season and be a top 3 offensive team in the league withthe worst FT shooter in NBA history. Think of it as an immaterial variance.

    Mitch is amazing @ what he does on the court and he sucks at what he doesn’t do. This is why Thibs limits him and has turned him into an amazing role player.

    Mitch’s dunk percentage and TS% both plummeted last year. And of course he played fewer than 800 minutes. I’m hoping that was a down year, and one where he just never got himself fully healthy, and that there are better things ahead this year.

    If not, and this is his new level of production, he’s both a mediocre and injury prone player.

    Thats not fair. He can finish just fine.

    Mitch FG% at rim:
    2022: 78%
    2023: 70%
    2024: 60%

    That is an absolute nosedive in an area where shooting percentages tend to be the most stable. Offensive rebounding isn’t as valuable when you can’t convert them into points reliably, either on the putback or when fouled.

    No reason whatsoever to believe we’ll have a top 3 offense — we were 7th last year with a starting center who is light years better on offense than Mitch.

    It’s an interesting question. We lose iHart and his high efficiency on a rockin’ 12% USG, while gaining Mikal and getting All-NBA Julius Randle back. Does that make us better or worse offensively?

    “Hart and DDV represent over $30M in outgoing salary. I am pretty confident that if a center in that salary range was even theoretically available for trade, we would hear about it.”

    Trades happen unexpectedly for various reasons without prior hubbub. You know this, so it’s silly that you would keep repeating this nonsense. Besides, it has nothing to do with the point being made.

    “On your list of targets you include guys that are barely even better than SimsChiuwa like Looney and JV, is trading crucial rotation pieces for these guys a good use of resources? I’m quite skeptical.”

    Both Looney and JV are significantly better than either Precious or Sims. If you see that differently, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. That doesn’t mean that I’m advocating trading for them. But if Mitch goes down, I’m quite confident that our chances of winning a championship would be increased by having one of those two at the expense of Hart because we have other folks that do what Hart does. But the point is that Leon wouldn’t do it, period. (And obviously there is the possibility that one or both of Precious or Sims improves significantly, changing the calculus, but this is a discussion based on what we know right now.)

    “Then you have another class of guys where you have to squint really hard to see a case for their current teams preferring Josh Hart + the Knicks’ remaining pick scraps to them, like Capela and Poeltl.”

    But the question is whether Leon would include either DDV or Hart to acquire them this year. The answer is no, they wouldn’t. You know that, but are just being argumentative.

    “I’m just not seeing the allegedly super obvious upgrade we’re refusing to make because it would break up the Nova Corps.”

    I haven’t seen the Earth’s solid core but I kind of think we can bank on it being there and it being composed mainly of iron and nickel. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence to draw a strong inference. Hart and DDV are virtually untouchable this year. It’s ridiculously obvious in every move that Leon has made in assembling this team. The most blatant tell is the very significant overpay for Bridges. Hell, on KFS, I believe it was GMAC who suggested that the price paid for Bridges may have been the most paid for any player with his resume.

    RIP Al “The Destroyer” Attles…he was a heck of a player in his day, and was interviewed very often in discussing Wilt’s 100 pt game and Wilt in general.

    Attles was the second leading scorer for the Warriors in Wilt’s 100-point game against our Knicks, with 17 points. It’s kind of odd how I mentioned this to someone two days ago, and I had no idea that he had passed 8 days ago until Z-man brought him up just now.

    No reason whatsoever to believe we’ll have a top 3 offense — we were 7th last year with a starting center who is light years better on offense than Mitch.

    Who do you think the Nets should take with our lottery pick next year?

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