
Knicks Morning News (2024.08.23)

  • NBA legends son dominates at Rucker Park before Knicks, new and old: New York royalty –
    [] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 16:41:00 GMT
    1. NBA legends son dominates at Rucker Park before Knicks, new and old: New York royalty
    2. Thats Kiyan! Syracuse recruit creates a buzz in NYC with Melo and Knicks royalty sitting courtside
    3. Knicks players past and present link up to watch Carmelo Anthony’s son Kiyan Anthony at Rucker Park
    4. A look at Kiyan Anthony, New York’s No. 1 HS basketball recruit
    5. Knicks Support Basketball’s Grassroots

  • REPORT: Knicks to hold onto Julius Randle amid tepid trade market – Posting and Toasting
    [Posting and Toasting] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 11:00:00 GMT
    1. REPORT: Knicks to hold onto Julius Randle amid tepid trade market
    2. Extension talks reportedly remain on back burner for both Knicks, Julius Randle
    3. Knicks Notes: Randle, Rotation, Kolek, Yurtseven, Bridges
    4. Julius Randles trade value neutral at best?
    5. Julius Randle’s timid trade market highlights importance to Knicks

  • Suns Create New Free Agent Options for Knicks – Sports Illustrated
    [Sports Illustrated] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 15:00:00 GMT

    Suns Create New Free Agent Options for Knicks

  • We need to talk about Julius Randle/OG Anunoby as the Knicks 5 – The Strickland
    [The Strickland] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 15:16:56 GMT
    1. We need to talk about Julius Randle/OG Anunoby as the Knicks 5
    2. Knicks mailbag: Julius Randle at center? Updates to Tom Thibodeaus staff? – The Athletic
    3. The Knicks have a perfect long-term strategy at center
    4. Julius Randles recovery on track, Mitchell Robinsons could drag out
    5. Could latest Knicks injury updates signal a slow start to the season?

  • The ‘Nova Knicks’ next big challenge: Great expectations with the addition of Mikal Bridges – The Philadelphia Inquirer
    [The Philadelphia Inquirer] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 16:00:41 GMT
    1. The ‘Nova Knicks’ next big challenge: Great expectations with the addition of Mikal Bridges
    2. New York Knicks Going All In After Mikal Bridges Trade
    3. Knicks’ Jalen Brunson, Josh Hart vouch for newest addition Mikal Bridges
    4. Mikal Bridges Role Transformation: Key to Knicks Title Hopes?
    5. ESPN’s Mikal Bridges prediction further proves Knicks trade was right move

  • When does New York Knicks training camp start? Key dates to know – Daily Knicks
    [Daily Knicks] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 21:00:03 GMT

    When does New York Knicks training camp start? Key dates to know

  • 3-Team Trade Pitch Would Send Anthony Davis to the Knicks –
    [] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 17:42:36 GMT

    3-Team Trade Pitch Would Send Anthony Davis to the Knicks

  • Police search for two suspects accused of burglarizing the office of former Knicks coach Rick Pitino – Fox News
    [Fox News] – Thu, 22 Aug 2024 22:24:00 GMT

    Police search for two suspects accused of burglarizing the office of former Knicks coach Rick Pitino

  • 80 replies on “Knicks Morning News (2024.08.23)”

    Pretty interesting comment from Pat Bev…

    “Beverley touched on the relationship between coaches and superstars, as well as the power that coaches hold in the league.

    “Many superstars in the NBA are afraid of coaches; some don’t even want to be coached. If you’re a successful coach and you take over a team with players who haven’t had any success, the star players don’t want you. After all, that coach has accomplished something in his career, and the players haven’t. I’m sure some of you are wondering, ‘Why isn’t such a successful coach taking over that team?’ The reason is because these scoundrels are afraid of coaches and don’t want them on the team,” Beverley said.

    “Clarence Beeks says:
    August 22, 2024 at 18:46
    For what it’s worth Sam Smith can blow

    brador says:
    August 22, 2024 at 19:30
    Indeed he can.”

    Sam Smith the singer, Sam Smith who wrote “The Jordan Rules” oh so many years ago, or some other Sam Smith? Once again, this is without context. Once we understand who this “Sam Smith” is, what exactly did he do to deserve such vitriol?


    Sir Patrick Beverly, MBE speaks

    He’s not bashful with his opinion of non team oriented players…

    And before I get told to “just Google it,” I already did that in this case. I didn’t see anything that either of the Sam Smiths I just mentioned did in the past few days that would cause Clarence Beeks to tell him that he can blow.

    hahahahahahaha…kind of like they have that “lane departure” warning tech in new vehicles…

    You are now departing your own lane.

    stay in your lane

    Doogie, I think it’s almost time to tell everyone how we created you. Almost.

    Remember when Ephus came here and invited people to join him on some other site that was going to be just like this one, but different, in the event that this site crashed completely? Well, doogie has driven this site into the ground. I want out. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. DW

    geo, I only asked a simple queston. It’s not “out of my lane” to ask for context where none is previously given.

    “Doogie, I think it’s almost time to tell everyone how we created you. Almost.” Clarence Beeks, as you already know, “we” (as in you and I) haven’t done anything together. I have no idea who you even are, and I’m OK with that.

    Donnie Walsh, I didn’t do anything to “drive this site into the ground.” In fact, I’ve tried time after time to bring the discussion back to the Knicks, but usually with no success. I eventually gave up on that. If I “drove this site into the ground” by simply asking for context, that’s one of the most ridiculous things you’ve ever said on here (at least since yesterday).

    I just read Titanium Noir on vacation this week. Thanks to whoever made that initial recommendation!

    that’s one of the most ridiculous things you’ve ever said on here (at least since yesterday).

    Or… at least since you refused to add Wilson Chandler to the #8 pick to trade up to #6 and nab Steph Curry. God Dam you @RealDonnieWalsh!

    perhaps it’s the reconciliation of contradictions…perhaps it’s some difficulty in managing dialectic thinking…

    i’m not sure doogie, unfortunately i don’t have the skills to truly help you…i mean you no harm…not to say i won’t do harm, i mean you no harm though…

    i have a strong sense that your time here is beginning to run short…

    at some point either BC or mike k. will pull the plug on this situation, they’re pretty patient, but time is running out for you to get this fixed…

    you need a plan and rules for governing your own behavior, at least in this environment…

    start with a simple rule: less is more…hold back, control your input…

    geo, at least tell me what I’ve done wrong, or what policies I’ve broken. I simply asked which Sam Smith is being referenced, and what he did wrong to be told to “blow.” That’s literally all I did. I truly, truly, truly don’t see the problem here, and I’m being 100 percent sincere.

    Tacitly ignoring Doogie bringing Clarence’s random and somewhat idiotic shorts (Clarence, maybe don’t) into a totally new thread as if solving it is somehow the key to the universe (it’s not, just don’t do that anymore, it makes Donnie insane, and the rest of us too): Macri lists three big things to affect this coming year’s success.

    He pointedly ignores health (see how he did that, Doogie? you too, can ignore things), and Mitch developing an offensive game. So his big three are Josh Hart’s shooting, Mikal’s secondary creation, and Julius being engaged defensively.

    I’d be curious what others think are keys beside these. I’ll toss in Precious turning out to be a really decent backup, and Brunson not somehow ‘descending to the mean’ (I don’t think that’ll happen, especially after they’ve surrounded him with pieces that will make teams struggle even more to contain him, but it WAS kind of a jaw-dropping ascent last year…). Thoughts?

    I already thought that Precious was a pretty decent backup with upside, and to add to that I’ll say that I thought that he acquitted himself rather nicely when forced into the starting lineup.

    I think it’s only realistic to assume that Brunson will regress a little bit, especially from his playoff ridiculousness, but that it will be a good thing, and for good reason. He’ll get some more breathing time on the bench, which can only help him…….and we added a secondary scorer like Bridges to help take the load off of him. It’s a great problem to have.

    I’m still only concerned about not replacing Hartenstein before the season starts. I don’t want to lose more games than we have to while “seeing what we have” until the trade deadline. Those games we lose in the interim *will* affect playoff seeding. I want us to win 60 games!

    The time has come for a ban.

    The value of this space comes from the long time posters that have been coming here for decades. The Troll With Fake Asperger’s is driving them away one by one. The blog is going to die off entirely if every thread is enshittified by this attention seeking clownbag. Enough is enough.

    Precious averaged 8 and 7 for us in 24 minutes per game on 52.5 percent shooting from the field. He also averaged 13 and 10 for us in 37 minutes per game on 52.6 percent shooting from the field. Why are we so down on this guy? He was a solid pick-up as a throw-in for OG.

    And again, please tell me what exactly I’ve done wrong. I’m not the one who keeps bringing it up. Once again, I’m trying to post about the Knicks but I keep seeing stuff about myself being posted over and over, and unjustifiably so, as I am not getting any reasons why asking for context is such a bad thing.

    Doogie, I’m really starting to believe it’s all legitimately unintentional, which makes it all the more impressive that you’ve managed to establish yourself as perhaps the most effective troll in KB history! Simplicity and elegance always wins.

    Precious averaged 8 and 7 for us in 24 minutes per game on 52.5 percent shooting from the field. He also averaged 13 and 10 for us in 37 minutes per game on 52.6 percent shooting from the field. Why are we so down on this guy? He was a solid pick-up as a throw-in for OG.

    Since this is about basketball…

    You’re describing a replacement-level big who is a massive drop-off from iHart, who is a top 10 2-way C. Yes, he’s fine for a throw-in. Relying on him to anchor a key part of the rotation is our team’s Achilles’ heel, and Mitch’s fragility will ensure that we have to.

    Doogie, I’m really starting to believe it’s all legitimately unintentional, which makes it all the more impressive that you’ve managed to establish yourself as perhaps the most effective troll in KB history!

    Says the least effective troll in KB history 🙂

    It’s truly unintentional, and that has always been the case. I’m being unfairly vilified with literally no justification being given for it.

    Yes, it’s a virtual certainty that Mitch will go down. It seems much more like a “when” than an “if.” I wish that wasn’t the case, but it seems to be.

    The fact that you don’t understand anything that is written here is the reason that you shouldn’t post here.

    I understand plenty that is written here. The only things I don’t understand are those things that are posted out of the blue and without context. If you know who the Sam Smith being referenced is, then just write who it is. If you don’t know, either, then you’re in the same boat that I am. It’s pretty simple.

    At least I’m not posting:
    “Clarence Beeks says:
    August 22, 2024 at 20:08
    Fuck you bob

    Clarence Beeks says:
    August 22, 2024 at 21:01

    I don’t know who “Bob” is here, either, and I’m not sure why a stupid Donald Trump phrase is being used out of context here. I’m not the one writing this crap, or about farting and/or urinating in airports. You’re complaining about the wrong thing here.

    I don’t really care whether these garbage posts are a result of some sort of head injury or if they’re intentionally done to disrupt the conversation here. They just suck, writ large. It’s really irrelevant whether this is an act or whether the troll is some sort of extreme simpleton.

    If this doesn’t end maybe we all just move over to the Discord. Because fuck this.

    As always, coming down on the wrong guy, JK47. I’m still only trying to post about the Knicks. You’re keeping the other crap going at this point, not me.

    “Mitch developing an offensive game. So his big three are Josh Hart’s shooting, Mikal’s secondary creation, and Julius being engaged defensively.”

    If Mitch was going to develop an offensive game (or be given a role in the offense by Thibs), it would have happened by now. Yes, Hart could shoot better, but I give him a little bit of a pass because he does enough other things as a “Swiss Army knife,” and he’s also definitely shown that he can hit clutch 3s. Mikal being great is not a concern of mine. As far as Julius, is this his “off” year or his “on” year? I’ve lost track.

    If you’re posting here, you’re talking (actually writing) to me as well as anyone else who is on here at the time. That’s how this works.

    Again, you’re the one keeping this shit/this stupidity going now. As you can see, I’ve been posting about the Knicks, which is what we’re supposed to be doing here in the first place.

    please tell me what exactly I’ve done wrong.

    Doogie, in the spirit of a proactive, growth mindset, try this:

    1) Spend one week posting only your opinion/s about basketball.

    2) Post no meta-commentary about any other poster’s language, grammar, typos, etc.

    3) Ignore every reference and apparent tangent you do not understand.

    4) Do not complain that you are doing the above while others are not.

    After one week I believe you will feel better. I believe we will all feel better.

    Honestly, I offer this with no snark intended. I’m just being practical.

    Don’t think the doogster needs a ban, just complete ignorance. Had a couple of days without him recently and it was nice to see the blog back to humming with expected low level August Knick tidbits complemented by insightful non basketball takes for those posters who have an interest. But if he still fails to read the room by incessant comments on “what is the problem with me,” I reserve the right to change my opinion…

    I have no idea who Sam Smith is but I don’t find it necessary to ask. If I don’t know what’s being referenced then the post isn’t meant for me, which is absolutely fine. However, it’s incredibly obvious who they were talking about based on the context.

    If this isn’t a bit, then you could also decide to stop asking these questions as a courtesy to the other posters. It’s not worth it.

    Says the least effective troll in KB history 🙂

    Just so you know, I’m taking this as a compliment 😀

    I had a lot of fun listening to Titanium Noir on audiobook, I just finished it the other day. So I’ll also send thanks to whomever recommended it.

    Basketball stuff to try and ease the tension a bit:

    The Game Theory podcast with Sam Vecenie has been doing their 24 under 24 in the NBA. They just released part 2. Unsurprisingly there have been zero Knicks so far. However, Jalen Johnson showed up at 21, so we can always have fun with that. Lively at 22 (fuck you Dallas!).

    If people want to listen to that or watch it on YouTube it could make for a fun discussion during these slow summer days.

    I had a lot of fun listening to Titanium Noir on audiobook, I just finished it the other day. So I’ll also send thanks to whomever recommended it.

    Glad to hear you liked it. It was recommended to me by a friend who runs his own sci-fi blog, he’ll be happy that his recommendation made waves in a basketball blog. (He doesn’t write in English so I’m not linking).

    “I have no idea who Sam Smith is but I don’t find it necessary to ask. If I don’t know what’s being referenced then the post isn’t meant for me, which is absolutely fine. However, it’s incredibly obvious who they were talking about based on the context.”

    I guess it’s just a fundamental difference between how you and I (and I guess others on here, as well) view this forum, and maybe forums in general. I’m not saying that your way is wrong and that mine is right; I’m just saying that they are different.

    “Then the post isn’t meant for me” is simply not the way I think about forums such as this. In my mind, I think that all posts are meant for everyone here (*especially* when one is not specifically addressing another poster)…….posts are not meant to be private, non-inclusive conversations amongst two or three posters while everyone else looks on. If that were the case, those conversations should probably be had elsewhere.

    And to take that a step further, *because* I think that all posts are (or at least should be) meant for everyone, I ask about the ones that I don’t understand…….I do not do this in order to be a pain in the a$$, but because I’m truly curious and truly want to know. This is not in any way, shape, or form a bit. And maybe who Sam Smith is has now become incredibly obvious to you (and I laud you for figuring that out), but that does not mean that it has become incredibly obvious to me. I’m a lot of things, but being stupid is not among them. I’m not just *pretending* not to know in order to get a reaction. Anyway, I stopped asking about it because it became clear that I was not going to get an actual response on it (just as I never got an actual response about some unspecified trade between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Atlanta Hawks that was mentioned), but *not* because I ever lost interest in the actual answer. (Indeed, if it were Sam Smith the author of “The Jordan Rules,” I was interested because it would have probably had a basketball context.) I truly didn’t think that my asking about it just one time would draw such ire, and I’m mortified that it did. I’m very sorry about it, and it was 100 percent unintentional.

    Can it stop now?

    “However, Jalen Johnson showed up at 21, so we can always have fun with that. Lively at 22 (fuck you Dallas!).”

    These both really suck. Two really good players at a position of need for us. What might have been, opportunity cost, and all that.

    I don’t know about Lively, he’s a really solid player but I think he has a limited ceiling.

    True about Lively. But I think we could use the energy he brings to the table at that position. Kind of a souped-up, significantly taller Precious, who I already clearly like well enough.

    We could use Lively, I meant more for the best under 24 list. He seems like a talented rim runner and defender but not much more than that.

    I think Precious is fine as a backup, but he’s not a starter-level player and there’s a good chance he’s our starting C for the playoffs and a majority of our regular season games. He’s too inconsistent on both sides of the ball right now.

    Maybe training camp and a full year in Thibs’s system will do him good, but it’s an uphill battle when you’re a 6’8″ C.

    espn+ conf champ/nba champ predictions

    1. Boston Celtics: 97 points

    2. Philadelphia 76ers: 39 points

    3. New York Knicks: 38 points

    4. Milwaukee Bucks: 13 points

    5. Cleveland Cavaliers: 2 points

    1. Oklahoma City Thunder: 83 points

    2. Minnesota Timberwolves: 48 points

    3. Dallas Mavericks: 29 points

    4. Denver Nuggets: 18 points

    5. Phoenix Suns: 8 points

    6. Los Angeles Lakers: 2 points

    1. Boston Celtics: 82 points

    2. Oklahoma City Thunder: 37 points

    3. Philadelphia 76ers: 18 points

    4. Denver Nuggets: 13 points

    T-5. Milwaukee Bucks: 9 points

    T-5. New York Knicks: 9 points

    7. Dallas Mavericks: 6 points

    win loss predictions eastern conf

    The contenders
    1. Boston Celtics: 61-21

    2. New York Knicks: 53-29

    3. Philadelphia 76ers: 52-30

    4. Cleveland Cavaliers: 50-32

    5. Milwaukee Bucks: 49-33

    6. Orlando Magic: 47-35

    the list looks pretty good…

    no miami, ha, i hope they’re terrible…

    the sixers may have a really solid team this year…especially if tyrese finds a way to improve even more…

    the cavs have to put it together at some point during a post-season…

    the bucks may be due for a bounce back year…all the bad health stuff last year, it could go away…

    Jesus, Doogie, if people complain about your posts and the frequency you post, if long time users are thinking about leaving the forum, your first thought is to ask us to prove what you’re doing wrong?? You don’t think about “what changes can i make?” to try to adapt?

    Doogie, I think it’s almost time to tell everyone how we created you. Almost.

    Is this a joke?

    “Jesus, Doogie, if people complain about your posts and the frequency you post, if long time users are thinking about leaving the forum, your first thought is to ask us to prove what you’re doing wrong?? You don’t think about “what changes can i make?” to try to adapt?”

    I can’t adapt if I don’t know how my simple questions are irking people so much. I’m sincerely and earnestly asking people for help in making this determination, and I would think that it would be thought of as a good thing. People are supposed to ask for help when they need it, right?

    hi cyber – yay, good news to report: the furnace which is the southwest usa is slowly beginning to abate…we’re now getting down to around 20 degrees celsius at night, a very welcome change…

    i can finally open the windows again, it’s been like living in a desert bunker out here for awhile…

    I can’t adapt

    and there it is…godspeed…

    someone or another (OWEN) need to summon oz to please come and clean up the kingdom…


    For the record, I’ve spent literally the last month+ periodically explaining how and why you irk folks here, Doog. There’s almost one specific message detailing this per thread. You studiously ignore them and just keep asking why.

    Since it appears that you can’t understand clearly articulated and repeated explanations, I recommend the KBA note above on how just to stop being annoying. I think he hit it on the nose.

    “I can’t adapt

    and there it is…godspeed…”

    That’s pretty much the definition of being disingenous, geo, taking the first three words of a sentence that I wrote while disregarding the rest and then pretending to be able to come to a conclusion based on those three words. The important parts of the sentence came *after* the words that you cherry-picked to make your own (bad) point. Totally not fair.

    And again, it’s not me who keeps bringing this up. It was quiet on the subject for about 2.5 hours until cyber and geo piped up on it again out of the blue. It’s my right to respond to people writing specifically to me and about me. I’m certainly willing to leave it alone if others will, but they don’t seem able to do that. How ironic.

    Thx, Pepper, for the list. Happy to see the Knicks up on “the big board.” I’m also curious to see if OKC truly delivers on their promise (and makes iHart happy).

    Btw, the OKC schedule in January gets nasty (IMO) for two weeks, and we’re right there in it twice. Should be a great test for them and us (assuming our guys are all playing).

    OKC schedule to start 2025
    2nd Jan v Clips
    3rd Jan v Knicks
    5th Jan v Boston
    8th Jan @ Cleveland
    10th Jan @ Knicks again
    12th Jan @ Washington (“rest”)
    14th Jan @ Philly
    16th Jan v Cleveland
    17th Jan @ Dallas

    Popped in to say I just listened to Titanium Noir on Audiobook. Really fun book. I enjoyed playing with the Titans in my mind and thinking about what they looked like, how they fit into rooms, etc.

    For the fans of nostalgia, my son and I just finished listening to “Hatchet”. That book really holds up over time . So well written. Brian Robeson is a survivor.

    As my parting gift, I will leave you with this: Sam Smith is a white male who is a good singer. Ta da!

    Enjoy yourself!

    we’re now getting down to around 20 degrees celsius at night, a very welcome change…

    That’s seems nice, Geo. Go walk the dog and enjoy the breeze. 😉

    Don’t go, Donnie! We need a non Knicks fan around here to balance things. 😉 😀

    Don’t go, Donnie! We need a non Knicks fan around here to balance things. 😉 😀


    I need to shout “Fuck Embiid!” over and over in front of my keyboard and believe it’s landing … somewhere 😉

    “As my parting gift, I will leave you with this: Sam Smith is a white male who is a good singer. Ta da!”

    He was the other one that I specifically asked about (in addition to the author of “The Jordan Rules”) when I posed my initial very innocuous question this morning. All Clarence Beeks had to do was basically say “yes, the singer,” and then elaborate on why he was telling him to blow. As I said, I googled him before asking the question to see if he’d done anything at all negative lately, and I didn’t find anything.

    Thanks for finally answering, Donnie Walsh. Well, half of it, anyway. That’s more of an answer than I had previously.

    And yes, over two and a half hours after I’d already very sincerely apologized for my initial query. Sheeeeeeesh.

    Continuing my quest to move forward now. Won’t you join me? (Yes, that was a blanket question for everyone.)

    You drove Donnie off with your masturbatory attention-seeking horseshit, and since there’s no moderation here and it’s impossible to get banned, I hereby say to you: Go drink some bleach.

    I can’t agree on that one.

    Do not drink any bleach, Doogie. The internet can be a complicated place.

    In other news, David Bowie’s “Starman” is also complicated to play on guitar at the moment, and I’m annoyed by the way my Rickenbacker sounds.

    We all have problems.

    As I previously wrote, I’m not stupid. No part of me thought even for a nanosecond about drinking bleach when JK47 or idiots such as Donald Trump suggested it either implicitly or explicitly. Thanks, KBA.

    And somehow I doubt that Donnie Walsh is actually leaving. If he actually is, it’s a shame that he is that thin-skinned, and I feel for him.

    And now 3:19 since I apologized for my innocuous question. Starting to wonder why I bothered.

    DDB – “to really blow” is a colloquialism for playing an instrument really well. A voice is an instrument. Sam Smith can really blow means he can really sing. There may be a dirty double entendre but the man can really belt it so I don’t think so . Hold on – to be clear – I am not suggesting Sam Smith hits anyone with a belt. He can sing. That is it.

    You are clearly aggravating a lot of people. Brian and Mike handle the banhamering for the most part but I would suggest that lest it come to that you could try your best to stick to basketball, not be overly picayune about how people write their posts, and just try not to step on so many toes generally. I genuinely feel it’s unintentional most of the time but your posting has been the main topic on this blog for a couple weeks now and it should not be that way.

    Maybe it’s time to tell everyone about my sous vide steak. Or have I already done that? (That’s me praying for a topic change.) good night from Greece….

    I’m just going to say that I think the slowness of August is strongly adding to everyone’s fed up-ness. That said, here’s an interesting nugget from Keith Smith:

    “My guess is that player option right now for the 2025-26 season, I would say a pretty good bet [Randle] picks that up just because it doesn’t look like a great free agent market for the teams that have cap space next summer”

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I never really considered that Randle would play out his contract in this way. If I were his rep, I’d probably be pushing for an extension, as he’ll be another year older (30?) and hitting free agency… even if he kills it next year, he’s no Paul George-type, and it still might be hard to seduce another team into a big contract.

    I’m not trying to summon the rage of z-man because I think we all (and the team) really value Randle, I just think it feels like a “wrong place/wrong time” situation for him. I guess we’ll see what happens.

    Oh and Happy Friday everyone!

    Yeah, on a totally different note, I really enjoyed Hollingers piece in the athletic. Interesting discussion of many many young players, including IQ.

    That’s great, Owen, i wish you a wonderful vacation! 😎 😉
    On a strange coincidence, my sister boarded today a cruise going to Greece (Mykonos). Where are you going in Greece? And if you go to Mykonos, don’t go asking people if they’re cyber’s sister, because she doesn’t know i have this persona online. 😛 😀

    We need Knick games to start again ASAP cause without them this site has become….I don’t even know how to describe it anymore

    One the one hand the dougie/clarence dynamic has kept the nattering nabobs of negativity largely silent but on the other hand it’s ruining the blog in a different way so who is to say if it’s good or not

    So what do people think about Frank Ntilikina’s ceiling?

    I have in fact just used the internet, to learn that owen is boiling his meat…

    I do not believe I have ever tasted boiled meat in a bag…

    waiting at a restaurant now to take home a calzone and some spaghetti…

    thinking maybe i’d really like some steak instead…

    Frank probably has coffered ceilings, possibly made with a local oak.

    Sous vide is a nice way to make a steak, especially if you’ve got some other stuff going on

    I have to admit I am not sure I’d even try a sous vide steak… It feels like it would be missing everything I love about steak.

    The ESPN rankings are actually pretty good. I posted my own last year because I felt that most were so far off – expecting too little from the Knicks, too much from the Bucks, not enough for Orlando especially… These are actually pretty close to what I’m thinking.

    If we had retained iHart I would have put us at 56 wins. Alas, we did not. But I think with him and Caruso, OKC will be dominant this year, even in a rough conference.

    Sous vide steak is great. You sear it at the end to get the texture correct. The only real downside is that it takes a long time.

    Pork chops are where sous vide really shines though. That’s the only way I’ll cook pork chops.

    Knew a dude who would temp his steaks in tallow, then do the sear. Those were yummy.

    Sous Vide is idiot proof and delicious. It also gives me an excuse to use a blow torch occasionally.. My major hack is a liberal application of garlic powder before putting the steak in the spa.

    And Cyber, traveling here with my family and visiting my wife’s family. All of them refuse to go to dinner before ten or to bed before 130 am even with young kids involved. All in their 70s and 80s.

    We had a night where we went to see a show in the ancient theater of Epidauros, had dinner, drove ninety minutes on torturous mountain roads, arriving home at 330 am.

    My dream is to have their energy someday.

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