2021-22 Game Thread: Knicks @ Blazers

The Knicks are in Portland and you just know that these assholes are winning this one to keep them in the play-in picture.

Let’s go to the lobby and have ourselves a drink!

234 replies on “2021-22 Game Thread: Knicks @ Blazers”

Pito reminding non Island dwellers that E4 can play basketball 😉

Let’s go Knicks!

I love how opponents with players who literally just arrived in a trade can run actual plays, but our guys just bounce the ball until it’s time to shoot.

I am excited for my kids to be sports gambling addicts and lose paycheck after paycheck to PTmilo’s kids

I am excited for my kids to be sports gambling addicts and lose paycheck after paycheck to PTmilo’s kids

In 10 years, all sports will broadcast on DraftKings, Caesars, & BetMGM networks

Early Bird: In 10 years, all sports will broadcast on DraftKings, Caesars, & BetMGM networks

In 10 years all sports will be kids betting on kids betting.

For those reading later, Mitch had a block, got position on the fast break and drew a foul, then broke someone down on the perimeter with a between the legs dribble and drew another foul.

Then Reddish turned it over andMitch committed two fools in ten seconds. One was a horseshit call but still….

Ah Mitch…..

burks throws up the weakest shit on fast breaks…embarrassing

please foul me please foul me please foul me …

like he hasn’t realized 50 games in the season …he ain’t getting bogus foul calls….except in San Francisco

Billups must be like…”this ain’t what I signed up for”…as mcclemore fires brick after brick

Maybe Reddish is a better prospect than RJ and I’m already a fan of RJ’s. Do we have any more incinerated picks to throw around?

Maybe Reddish is a better prospect than RJ and I’m already a fan of RJ’s.Do we have any more incinerated picks to throw around?

Yeah, Cam’s athleticism pops in a way that RJs never has.

It’s astonishing just how bad these Blazers are and the Knicks are up five at the half. We all know they’re going on a fucking win streak just to keep this stupid shit going.

This team can go as far as Taj can take us….

Great half from him. Credit where it’s due.

I actually wonder if this Portland team is better just from not running several of the worst defenders in the league for 35min a night

Our go to play at the end of quarters should be to call timeout and take Randle out of the game. Anything we improvise from there will be better than we usually get. If we actually have a play in mind we might win an extra 2-3 games.

Certainly very convenient for Thibs that hes forced to play Cam and maybe earn a rotation spot

Do we think DeRozan would be bricking everything and setting a career high in turnovers if he was on our team? His last ten games: sheesh.

kemba…rising from the ashes

I’m sorry but rising from the ashes is reserved for Cam “The Phoenix” Reddish and the 19th pick

The guys on the Blazers broadcast say it’s a common foul. They are not biased, right? 😀

Early Bird: I’m sorry but rising from the ashes is reserved for Cam “The Phoenix” Reddish and the 19th pick

Cam can’t be good because you can’t get anything good for a pile of ashes…

The Knicks declared Mitch questionable with an ankle sprain and a minute later he’s in the lineup…

Maybe we should take Mitch out. I don’t know.

Seems silly to let him gimp around. Deadly stupid.

The Knicks declared Mitch questionable with an ankle sprain and a minute later he’s in the lineup…

He’s gimping around out there. It’s not worth it. Take him out.

DRed: Grimes has a hard ceiling as a 4th best starter on a top 5 seed

If Mitch can be 5th best starter and RJ 3rd best, we “just” need to find options 1 and 2.

KB Apprentice: He’s gimping around out there. It’s not worth it. Take him out.

Why? He still got two legs, he’ll play until maimed.
This is a real men team son!

Owen: Seems silly to let him gimp around. Deadly stupid.

After the RJ injury, i’d expect Thibs to be more careful.

I haven’t watched him much but I don’t know if Simons is the horse I would want to ride for the next five years in Portland….

And Sims has already been in. Blazers have no center. Just let the kid play. Or go with Randle and Obi.

For some reason Wally is not annoying me as much today. Perhaps the news he and Rebecca are having a baby is hitting me subliminally.

Nope. Game’s too close. McBride’ll get the last 52 seconds as per usual and miss his one heave.

I know on Knickerblogger we’re required to be miserable, but we’ve got something pretty good in Grimes

Good bucket from Randle. Good board from Grimes.

We shouldn’t lose this game but who knows

Thibs must be near a microphone, i’m hearing his voice a lot. Shouting to the players. LOL

Ok but have we considered pushing all the chips in for a championship run? We’ve won 2 of our last 2, which projects to an 82-win pace

I am sure no one has dribbled the ball off their foot and out of bounds more than Randle this year.

I have now accepted we are losing this game. And I am ok with it.

Randle in the last two minutes:

Flying pigeon from the corner
Turnover (dribble on his foot)
And-1 to Simons

We’re making a push for the 10th seed and can’t even win against a team that is tanking. Sad.

Of course, the non-biased Blazers broadcast is saying Billups will win the challenge. Losers

Edit: Oops, i thought it wouldn’t be overturned

For those of you worrying we’re gonna sneak into the 10th seed, this game should give you solace

For those of you worrying we’re gonna sneak into the 10th seed, this game should give you solace

It would if the Knicks weren’t still making decisions like, “10 under? Bah, we can still make it!”

I love how Thibs just automatically, if by rote, thought that getting that starting lineup in was the answer.

They missed RJ badly in the fourth.

E, all merc’d out:
I love how Thibs just automatically, if by rote, thought that getting that starting lineup in was the answer.

that was classic thibs…it was binary thinking at its best…hmpph…2nd unit bad…put 1st unit in…like..dude…you can mix and match..its allowed…

all I know is the Knicks were up 18 when I stopped watching and when I put MSG back on Wally was in the studio explaining that you just can’t stop Jusuf Nurkic

This is why I try not to commit more than 20 minutes to any Knicks game these days… F’n idiots.

Your “win now” Knicks, blowing a 23 point lead to a team full of guys you have never heard of.

Whatever, I’ll happily take the loss. Dreaming of the ping pong balls that never come is a big part of what we do around here.

“Play the hot hand” is like rule #1 of being a basketball coach. It’s not that hard!

Point-forward Randle is a great tank commander

whatever alchemy of naturopathic tinctures they were serving Randle…I guess they stopped working or couldn’t overcome his “i ain’t that good at basketball gene…”

I still can’t believe Thibs kept Mitch out there on the sore ankle in a meaningless game.

Is Anfernee Simons already on the long list of players we should have drafted instead of Kevin Knox II? Because …

I still can’t believe Thibs kept Mitch out there on the sore ankle in a meaningless game.

Reddish, too, but Reddish probably did his best to stay in. He was obviously gimpy for like four minutes.

This season’s knicks team’s chemistry ain’t working.
Players got paid, been lazy on D and Thibs started playing “modern” bball while he’d been successfull by his D oriented style…

Tank and get back to D style bball next season seems like a no-brainer

Brian Cronin:
I still can’t believe Thibs kept Mitch out there on the sore ankle in a meaningless game.

Right? First Kemba’s insane stretch of 40-minute games, then RJ, now Mitch.

It’s like he has a secret bonus in his contract related to number of players and days on the DL.

Is Anfernee Simons already on the long list of players we should have drafted instead of Kevin Knox II? Because …

Another example of why you just use your first round picks.

Brian Cronin: Another example of why you just use your first round picks.

And it’s not like the Knicks have been looking for point guards for, what, thirty years?

Thibs has one super quick hook and one not EVER hook

he’s delusional…he thinks if randle comes out …it all is going to go to shit…but in reality…with randle in…it still goes to shit…it’s like the same monkey with the tambourines that is inside of homer simpsons brain is now taking up residence in tom thibodeaus cranium…

Sounds like Dragic will be bought out. I wonder who he signs with. He could be a hero for the Lakers, I guess. He’d certainly play a lot for them.

I have to admit I wasn’t aware of what a cartoonish fool Tom Thibodeau is. A guy like that is just so damaging to the culture of an organization, because of his ridiculous double standards.

If you’re in the in group (veterans) you get a long leash no matter how stupid the brand of basketball that you play. If you’re in the out group (young players), you get yanked the first time you make a minor mistake. This isn’t a blip, this is something Thibs shows on a consistent basis.

That’s the best way to undermine a culture: two different sets of rules.

Brian Cronin:
Sounds like Dragic will be bought out. I wonder who he signs with. He could be a hero for the Lakers, I guess. He’d certainly play a lot for them.

Lot of buzz about him in Dallas.

If we lost that game with Grimes going. 0-10 from three in the fourth I would have been fine with it.

Losing with these vets is just sillly

The game started very early here, but I could watch a bit of the first half and all of the second half. In the last quarter the Knicks could not rebound and this really cost them. I think this was at least partially due to not having Robinson.

Huh, I had to step out when we were up like 18. I was kind of bummed we were going to rack up one of the most meaningless wins you could ever imagine. So, uh, good, I guess.

Sounds like watching the meltdown was still pretty infuriating though, so glad I missed that part.

Chase that 10th seed baby!

Mitch had zero rebounds in 14min. He was limping for part of it, but he was fine his first stint and still didn’t grab any. All this to say Nurkic is a really damn good rebounder.

The season is completely over from a competitive standpoint and the only semi-coherent goal for the rest of it is to gather data on our young players, so naturally Taj Gibson got 27 minutes and Obi Toppin got 8.

Embiid with a 40/14/10… he really is answering the question of what would happen if prime Shaq played in today’s NBA. Yes I know, different play styles, but the dominance is eerily similar.

Tom Thibodeau is not our biggest problem, but it is a lot easier to just get a normal coach than it is to upgrade the roster. Hope that guy isn’t our coach next year. Go back to Atkinson with your tail between your legs and tell him you made a big mistake the first time.

Obi has actually played pretty well when he has gotten into games, but he’s not Thibs’ teachers pet so unfortunately he’s not going to get minutes.

Which has two downsides: he doesn’t develop, and it also hurts his trade value.

But hey, Taj is old so he’ll eventually get injured playing 42 minutes in a game we lose to the Pacers by 20, so it will all work itself out.

i want to see the look on dolan’s face when leon tells him he has to eat the final three years on thibs’ contract…i wonder if he still gets pissed off when he sees fizdale on the payroll sheet every friday….

then again…may dolan blows a gasket and fires them both…i can see the year end review meeting

Leon/thibs – “but boff…we just missed the playoffs…lots of injuries and covid and stuff”

jimmy – “well…is the 10th seed the playoffs?”

leon/thibs – “yeah boff…it says so in the tv commercial”

jimmy – “ok boyz…get’er done nxt yr”…continues strummin on his 12 string…

***I wonder if Leon Rose is saying “Turn the machines back on!!”***

Hahaha. That’s funny. (“Now you listen to me! I want trading re-opened right now! Get those brokers back in here! Turn the machines back on!”) (didn’t somebody recently refer to Cam and RJ as and Randolph and Mortimer? That was a good TP ref too:)

***i want to see the look on dolan’s face when leon tells him he has to eat the final three years on thibs’ contract…i wonder if he still gets pissed off when he sees fizdale on the payroll sheet every friday***

When Dolan hired Rose, wasn’t he paying Fisher, Hornacek, Fizdale, and Phil a collective $24,000,000 that year to NOT be part of the team? If he was okay with that, he’s gotta be okay with just about anything.

Thibs post game: “Toughness, toughness, how you define toughness, toughness, blah, toughness.”
Reporter: “What about ankle injuries to Cam, Mitch, RJ.”
Thibs: “I haven’t gotten the report.”

Let’s find someone to give coach a fucking report.

Donnie Walsh:
***i want to see the look on dolan’s face when leon tells him he has to eat the final three years on thibs’ contract…i wonder if he still gets pissed off when he sees fizdale on the payroll sheet every friday***

When Dolan hired Rose, wasn’t he paying Fisher, Hornacek, Fizdale, and Phil a collective $24,000,000 that year to NOT be part of the team? If he was okay with that, he’s gotta be okay with just about anything.

yeah..given he fired the gm, president of operations and head coach of the hockey club last year…who all likely had some yrs left on their deals…he probably just raises the price of beer and dogs at the garden and that could cover it…

Totally unrelated question: Who was the last Coach of the Year to get fired the very next year?

Totally unrelated question: Who was the last Coach of the Year to get fired the very next year?

Dwyane Casey got fired the very same year he won the award, 2018, so I guess that counts.

Totally unrelated question: Who was the last Coach of the Year to get fired the very next year?

Bruno is correct about Dwayne Casey. I think it’s actually quite common, so much so that when Thibs won the award, I wondered if he’d last the full next year.

Looking up some history, George Karl in Denver was fired the year after winning coach of the year and Mike Brown was fired in Cleveland a year after winning the award.

Ex-Knick coach Don Cheney was fired the year after winning coach of the year too (back in ‘92).

Also, though he didn’t win CoY, David Blatt was fired after coming off of a trip to the finals and while enjoying the best record in the conference the next year.

Thibs is a good coach, but some of the stuff he does is infuriatingly stupid and cancels out the good.

If we jettisoned the vets, I think he could do wonders with the kids. But he won’t and if he does, half of them will be devastatingly injured.

In HoopsRumors.com:
Another source tells Berman that the Knicks’ chances of trading for Lillard would have been helped by signing DeMar DeRozan, Lillard’s close friend, rather than Fournier in last year’s free agent market. General manager Scott Perry wanted to consider DeRozan, according to the source, but the idea was vetoed by William Wesley, who has become the top decision maker in the front office.

I wonder who is feeding Berman to write this kind of stuff. LOL

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