Currently listening to Macri, Fred Katz, and their shared producer Andrew Claudio discuss what the best bank robbery movie of all time is. Several excellent films have been mentioned, including Inside Man, Heat, and The Town. Not a single person has so much as hinted at Dog Day Afternoon. Meanwhile, Andrew pitched Den of freaking Thieves.
I weep for the culture.
(Also: Quick Change has a sneaky argument for being in the top 5, though the bulk of the movie is about the getaway, rather than the robbery itself.)
The Lavender Hill Mob, though very old, is a British classic.
Have never heard of Dog Day Afternoon. Didn’t realize Matthew Broderick’s dad was an actor.
Owen, it has an argument as both the best bank robbery ever and the best New York movie ever. It’s incredible.
Can’t get the gif to load but just imagine Nic Cage
“That’s high praise.”
It’s going to be a looooooong All-Star break if we start breaking down the career of Nicolas Cage on here.
I kinda like Kendrick Perkins as a straight shooter/Knicks apologist/no “hot takes for the sake of having hot takes” guy, but “Perk predicts Thunder will make the NBA Finals: Kendrick Perkins calls out those who have disrespected the Oklahoma City Thunder this season and says he expects them to make the NBA Finals” (from
Way to go out on a limb, Perk.
I forgot about Quick Change, that was highly enjoyable.
Lots of great heist movies, but harder to think of ones specifically set in banks.
Have never heard of Dog Day Afternoon.
Wow. I’m kinda jealous you get to discover it now. I don’t have anything as cool to look forward to, screen-wise.
Long weekend with kids ahead. May be an opening.
Who the heck is disrespecting the Thunder Perk?
Lots of great heist movies, but harder to think of ones specifically set in banks.
Yeah, my mind went to a lot of train & jewel heist films.
Even I know (and appreciate) Dog Day Afternoon, and I don’t know anything!
Alan, any thoughts on the Buffy reboot? Was curious if there was any legitimate cause for optimism.
Generally speaking, most of these “reboots” that are actually extensions and involve our heroes at older ages have made me sad. I never wanted to see Indiana Jones in his broke & bitter old man phase, for instance, and would prefer not to see an older Buffy Summers coping with the consequences of never having a 401k.
Al Pacino can get it… especially 70’s Al.
Reboots generally suck, for the reasons you mentioned and for other reasons, as well.
What does “can get it” mean, in this context?
Reboots generally suck
I don’t agree. I really enjoyed JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot, for instance. And Christopher Nolan’s Batman reboot far exceeded everything that came before it.
The trick is to actually reboot. They suck when they involve the original characters at advanced ages (like JJ Abrams’ Star Wars reboot, the aforementioned Indiana Jones, or Matrix Resurrections).
I have not seen any of the listed movies. Will put Dog Day Afternoon on the bucket list.
Do either of the great filma of the Redford-Newman duo count…Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and The Sting?
while not set in the bank or just one robbery…always was fond of the Long Riders…some great robbery scenes and one other shootout scene that is legend…plus you got all the brothers in there…
I’d count Butch Cassidy.
Trading Places, obviously. (The Dukes are bankers, right?)
Alan, any thoughts on the Buffy reboot? Was curious if there was any legitimate cause for optimism.
I’m wary of pretty much all revivals. A handful have worked — Party Down, Twin Peaks, Roseanne/The Conners — but the great majority of the time, they just don’t work. TV shows are a product of a specific time in the lives of 1)The characters on the show, 2)The people making the show, and 3)The audience watching. Change that time for any or all of those groups, and something is immediately off. Antics that were charming when a character was in their teens or 20s now feels sad when they’re fully adult. Things like that.
To the Buffy situation, you add the fact that so much of that show’s success was attributed (including by people like me) to Joss Whedon, who is now a toxic person nobody wants to work with, and who will not be involved in this. He worked with a lot of gifted writers, and maybe one of those other alums can steer the ship, but it sure sounds to me like yet another desperate grab for familiar intellectual property.
I’ve seen Dog Day multiple times, great film.
And John Cazale at his finest.
My girlfriend loves Star Trek reboots—Discovery, Picard, etc. She watches them when I’m not there. 🙂
Trading Places hasn’t aged well at all, like many other movies of its ilk from that time period.
Does “Take the Money and Run” (Woody Allen; 1969) count? I remember finding it to be very funny, but that was a long time ago. Maybe it hasn’t aged well, either. Plus, subsequent Woody Allen ooginess.
“Get the band back together” rarely works in music either..
Netflix killed tv.
Spoiler Alert : Attica! Attica! Sidney Lumet is one of my favorite directors. Besides Dog Day: 12 Angry Men, Serpico ( also with Pacino),Network,The Pawnbroker,Prince of the City, and one of his more underrated films Before the Devil Knows Your Dead( with the excellent Phillip Seymour Hoffman).
Trading Places hasn’t aged well at all, like many other movies of its ilk from that time period.
You’re back in mall cop mode, I see.
TV shows are a product of a specific time in the lives of 1)The characters on the show, 2)The people making the show, and 3)The audience watching. Change that time for any or all of those groups, and something is immediately off. Antics that were charming when a character was in their teens or 20s now feels sad when they’re fully adult.
That’s exactly what the reboots I like do not have. There’s no nod to Jack Nicholson’s joker in the Dark Knight, for instance. Just a complete reimagining.
You can do a great Buffy reboot, IMO, if you abandon everything that came before and just bring the concept to a new time without the history. The concept being: take the things that every youth experiences and make them into remarkable, dramatic arcs using magic realism. (Season 2, for instance, was essentially “girl loves a boy, boy turns into a jerk after they have sex”, told with vampires and gypsy spells.)
The current youth has a whole new set of experiences that can be demonized (cell phones, social media, etc) and I think it would be great to apply the Buffy model to the current age. I probably wouldn’t watch it because I’m not a teenager but it would be cool for today’s teenagers to have it. But if all they’re going to do is try to appeal to the original Buffy fans who grew up, I’ll likely do my best to ignore it. I already thought seasons 6 & 7 were a desperate grab and wish I could unsee them.
I don’t think they are great movies, but I enjoyed both Bonnie and Clyde and the Highwaymen.
Anything with Cagney and crime is an all time classic.
Angels with Dirty Faces is in my top 3 favorite movies of all time just behind The Hustler and Casablanca.
White Heat is great.
And John Cazale at his finest.
That guy’s TS was like .1000%
“Trading Places hasn’t aged well at all, like many other movies of its ilk from that time period.
You’re back in mall cop mode, I see.”
How the hell am I “back in mall cop mode” (whatever the fuck that even actually means)? I’m not allowed to participate in the conversation and give my opinion on what is being discussed? I’m not correcting anyone, I’m not complaining about it being off topic, etc. What exactly is your issue with me *this* time?
The new Buffy is likely going to be a brutal affair. Did the kids need that new Beetlejuice?
The original Beetlejuice wasn’t good enough to even be worth a re-do.
Oh look, the Queen!
Hubert, were you a ST fan? Because I thought the Abrams reboots were kind of terrible. They were flashy (and lens-flarey) but totally fantasy and not sci-fi. They had little to do with either the ST ethos or the characters. Basically it was an extended audition for taking over Star Wars, which always WAS fantasy and a more appropriate venue for his brand of slick and shallow.
I mean, I guess if you didn’t care about ST you could appreciate that they were entertaining and fast-paced, but they were ST in name only. (This is not a slam on Al for rating the first movie pretty highly on his ST list, by the way – as ST movies go, it isn’t terrible [and some are egregious]. But to me it goes hard on the “don’t do it” side of the ledger.)
Just so I am not being totally contrary, I’ll agree that the Nolan reboot of Batman was great (until the third one) and captured the original essence of the character far better than any previous film.
Z-man, I love the Sting but have to admit that I didn’t connect with BCATSK. A fine movie, but nothing I felt like rewatching. I guess something something male friendships and beautifully shot, but kind of whatever. Maybe I should try again now that I’m old but there’s so much else to see…like half the Lumet movies I never got to.
That guy’s TS was like .1000%
Let’s not get carried away, just 3 of the 5 films he was in won the Oscar for best picture. The other 2 were only nominated. That’s .600 at best.
My mother was deeply madly for Newman, so his movies were slathered all over my brain. In its time the Sting was great.
EB, don’t you know that you’re not allowed to have any negative opinions here of anything that anyone else actually likes? If someone here likes it, then we *all* have to like it. I didn’t know that before today, but I learned it this morning. Odd, to be sure.
That guy’s TS was like .1000%
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career? Guy appears in only five movies in seven years: Godfather I and II, The Conversation, Dog Day Afternoon, The Dear Hunter. All are nominated for Best Picture. He is fantastic in all of them, but in clear supporting roles. Never a wrong note, clearly makes every movie he’s in better. Then career is tragically cut short by lung cancer. That’s it. All masterpieces, but not many, and he’s never the star.
I’m deeply madly for Jennifer Lawrence’s acting skillzzzzzzz. Too bad she thought it was a good idea to be a part of the Hunger Games franchise, though.
That’s .600 at best.
Fair enough EB. I guess it’s more accurate to say he was a mezzanine kind of actor whose career stagnated (particularly after his death).
The Dear Hunter
That was the porn version, my man
Doogie, it’s true that you are trying to participate in a discussion in good faith, and that others are unnecessarily trolling you. I wish they wouldn’t do that while you are trying to rehab into a “respected” poster.
But the truth is, you have been a nuisance around here more times than not, annoying, angering and even disgusting the preponderance of posters here with your incessant spectrummy-pedant schtick. If you expect that you can just pivot to being something close to mainstream without anyone reminding you of how much of a dork you have been, that’s probably too much to expect.
Still, I call upon other posters to not unnecessarily trigger you when you are making a good faith (if sometimes awkward) effort to not be a dork.
That was the porn version, my man
new phone who dis
Alan, that he married one of the great actors of all time in Meryl Streep seems pretty telling.
Maybe Drazen Petrovic is a good sports analog?
The other 2 were only nominated.
One of those 2 was nominated against one of the other winners. He played for both NBA Finals teams that year(*).
(*) In 1974, Mel Brooks released Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, and he didn’t even have the best year that year of any director, since Coppola released Godfather II and The Conversation.
Meryl Streep was not actually married to him, ‘do. They lived together for three years before his passing, and seemed to love each other very much. A nice (but sad) story for this Valentine’s Day.
Hubert, were you a ST fan? Because I thought the Abrams reboots were kind of terrible.
I wasn’t a “fan” like you are, I just watched them. And I only saw the first reboot. What I enjoyed about it was the way it subverted our expectations and presented us with new dynamics like Spock as the captain and Kirk as first mate. If you’re going to reboot something, that kind of thing seems worthy of exploration. If you’re just going to tell me the same exact story with different people, I don’t really care.
My favourite bank heist movies all tend to be comedies or semi comedic. Probably because I find stories about robbers more interesting if I can sympathise with them rather than hate them. A film like Dog Day Afternoon was a sort of worst case combo–robbers who you should hate but sympathise with together with the knowledge that it is all going to end badly with the suspense being just how badly. But towering performances nevertheless. Good illustration of “my favourites” and “all time greats” having little overlap. Sort of like David Lee.
Sarah Michelle Gellar was super hot back in the day.
And married to Freddie Prinze Jr., too.
John Cazale was some combination of Chamberlain, Russell and Floyd Mayweather. He was great and he also picked his spots really well.
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career?
Bo Jackson?
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career?
Tony Lazzeri? The other, other hitter in Murderers’ Row. 14 year career. Won 5 World Series and lost 2. Apparently he died of a heart attack at 42. Those Yankees had absolutely no luck off the diamond.
Any Oscar predictions? I think it’s gotta be Anora for best pic right? Did anyone even go see Wicked?
“Z-man, I love the Sting but have to admit that I didn’t connect with BCATSK. A fine movie, but nothing I felt like rewatching. I guess something something male friendships and beautifully shot, but kind of whatever. Maybe I should try again now that I’m old but there’s so much else to see…like half the Lumet movies I never got to.”
I’m more into the schlock aspect of certain movies than many more erudite film critics. Butch Cassidy has a ton of what I think are iconic scenes. Katherine Ross is among my favorite film beauties. The music, sepia stills to color motion techniques, and backdrops are all positives for me. And, of course, the Redford-Newman interactions are priceless. It’s also loosely based on a true story of the actual outlaws.
I don’t know if younger people know this but there really wasn’t a lot of character development on tv in the 80s & 90s. The journey of Wesley Wyndham-Price from his introduction to his suicide mission was possibly the best character arc that existed before The Sopranos (and I invite Alan in his infinite knowledge – or anyone, for that matter – to correct me if I’m wrong; I certainly didn’t watch it all).
“Meryl Streep was not actually married to him, ‘do. They lived together for three years before his passing, and seemed to love each other very much. A nice (but sad) story for this Valentine’s Day.”
Yes, deeply devoted romantic partners would have been more accurate.
And Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
I guess it’s more accurate to say he was a mezzanine kind of actor whose career stagnated (particularly after his death).
If it weren’t for the incineration (of his lung) he could have been a contender.
Katherine Ross is still with us—just turned 85.
Ignoring “Wicked” like the plague, Clarence, and trying to pretend that it’s not actually happening.
I’m team Butch Cassidy. For whatever reason, I didn’t get to either Newman/Redford team-up until the last couple of years, by which point both had been imitated and referenced so often that it felt as if I had already seen both many times. Yet Butch Cassidy still played spectacularly well for me, whereas I felt like I was losing a lot of the entertainment value of The Sting because I knew through pop culture osmosis how the actual con was going to work.
It’s actually pretty easy to see Butch Cassidy as a reboot of the American Western.
Am I the only one who didn’t find Anora that profound? It was definitely a good movie and I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it. I was entertained and invested throughout. As far as Best Picture is concerned though, it felt to me like it was a little confused about what message it wanted to send. I basically view it as an almost-as-good-but-not-quite-as-good version of Uncut Gems. YMMV.
Shamefully, I haven’t seen A Complete Unknown yet. What can I say, my old buddy understands I’m a busy guy.
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career
Robert Horry
The greatest bank heist film of all time is “Hell or High Water.”
The second greatest bank heist film of all time is “Point Break.”
Apparently the restrooms at Miami-Dade are a total mess, and no one is planning on doing anything about that. Sorry if you’ve had to experience that on your many travels, Clarence. It sounds kind of horrific.
Also, “Dog Day Afternoon” is Al Pacino’s second best bank robbery movie. The first one is “Heat.”
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career
Drazen Petrovic
Apparently the restrooms at Miami-Dade are a total mess, and no one is planning on doing anything about that
Miami-Dade is a county, Doogie. And I assure not all the restrooms are a total mess because I just used one. Do you mean Miami International? That’s an airport.
Baker really doesn’t do profound. I thought Anora was good. Not great. It was not my favorite of the year but Oscars have to Oscar. I mean Brutalist could come in but we already know it’s Wicked.
Drazen Petrovic
Dying young isn’t what we’re talking about here.
To be the athletic equivalent of Cazale you have to always contribute to being on a great team without ever being the lead.
Tony Lazzeri is weird because he hit more triples than home runs THREE times in his career. Which for a guy with medium pop is pretty amazing.
(Today’s thread has me on full google search mode…)
LOL yes, I did in fact mean the airport—got the name of it wrong. I do know about the county designation. Thank you!
G-d, I hope Wicked doesn’t win anything significant. But you’re right, Clarence; it probably will.
Doogie, I care not for Wicked (though Marc Platt is a good guy, as Hollywood people go) and have no plans to see it, but that condescending, harsh dismissal–just as you harshly dismissed geo and videogames or apparently the entire genre of science fiction–that’s why you get the pushback you do. The pedantry, when you’re in that mode, is tedious and even ridiculous given the context – a basketball blog, ffs. But the cultural judgment is gonna get you judged in return.
So when you’re doing your “but I’m a good guy and other people started it” routine, bear in mind that telling other people that their passions are trash is not gonna be met with love and appreciation. It’s reprehensible behavior, something to be ashamed of and not celebrated.
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career
Probably a couple running backs who were great for 4-5 years and then got hurt and never really played again
“Shamefully, I haven’t seen A Complete Unknown yet. What can I say, my old buddy understands I’m a busy guy.”
I would try to catch it while it is still in theaters, the music is probably best appreciated in that context.
Dying young isn’t what we’re talking about here.
To be the athletic equivalent of Cazale you have to always contribute to being on a great team without ever being the lead.
Yes, but I don’t think Robert Horry qualifies either because his career was too long.
It would be a player who played a short career that was ended early for whatever reason but he was a star role player on some great championship level teams.
I can’t really think of anyone off the top of my head. Brandon Roy comes to mind but he was a star and those Portland teams were good but not great.
Hey, Doogie, just to let you know, plenty of people can see that two posters wrote long, boring, and completely unnecessary takedowns of you while everyone was having a good time. You don’t have to respond to their blatant attempts to derail this enjoyable thread.
Yabbut, Hubie, I’m not the only one saying that I don’t enjoy things that others like. I’m simply the only one being called out for doing so. Again.
Brandon Roy is a really good comp, I think. Sam Bowie? Yao Ming?
Yes, but I don’t think Robert Horry qualifies either because his career was too long.
Yeah, that’s a good point. We need a Robert Horry who played for like 7 years.
Dog Day Afternoon is amazing! It has been a while, now I may have to watch it again this weekend!
This may be a reach, but does Steve Buscemi seem like some sort of morph of John Cazale, just with worse teeth?
Yabbut, Hubie, I’m not the only one saying that I don’t enjoy things that others like. I’m simply the only one being called out for doing so. Again.
It’s not about you, man. Some people just like this blog the most when they get a sense of unity from ganging up on the person who is different. They’re trolling you so that you will overreact because when you do, everyone will join them in condemning you and they will have the circle jerk that they came here for.
I’m just telling you that we see it. We may not comment on it, but we see it. You don’t have to respond to them or defend yourself. Just ignore them and carry on.
I think Petrovic is actually a decent one. He never made an all-star team but probably would have if he didn’t die.
The Nets improved by a ton of games once they got him and he helped lead them to the playoffs for two straight seasons before he died. He’s definitely one who could have had an amazing career if he hadn’t died.
Inside Man, Heat, and The Town. Not a single person has so much as hinted at Dog Day Afternoon. Meanwhile, Andrew pitched Den of freaking Thieves.
Not having Dog’s Day Afternoon in that list is a travesty. But I’m more offended by even thiking of including the The Town there. Ben Affleck ripped off Michael Mann’s filmography so bad in that movie – it was a lesser version of Thief mixed in with Heat.
At least Den of Thieves is a banger of a film.
The greatest bank heist film of all time is “Hell or High Water.”
Should definitely be in the list for the best bank hiest film of the 2010s with Den of Theives and the very underrated A Place Beyond the Pines.
Also stop saying my name dude. I’m a cunt and the least interesting person here. I got a big dick but hey. Talk to Hubie. He likes you. I don’t. Why you bothering me.
nice job swifty on bringing up: Hell or High Water and Point Break…
better yet, those 2 movies are all about robbing banks…
hubie already kind of mentioned it – but the opening scene of the Dark Knight with the joker doing a bank heist is pretty great…
What an interesting support group, so much in common!
Shit I forgot there was a bank heist in that movie and that it was great. Not exactly a “bank heist film” but definitely a great scene.
What an interesting support group, so much in common!
Yes, I think we’re both kind and empathetic, and neither of us would ever stoop low enough to pick on someone to gain the approval of a group.
I know I lack the credibility to pull off a Kendrick Lamar quote but I hate a bitch that’s hatin’ on a bitch and they both hoes.
I’m on the mezzanine of the Met rn. Can see the resemblance.
Isn’t Goodfellas essentially a “big heist” movie? With the brilliance being that the Lufthansa heist itself is the overarching context but isn’t actually dramatized?
Its a good read, fast angry sexual. I was thinking about the syntax and how it affected the overall mood. Particularly in the more expository passages; in the fifth chapter where honey meets the whole Australian soccer team.
“Yes, I think we’re both kind and empathetic…”
“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don’t know if younger people know this but there really wasn’t a lot of character development on tv in the 80s & 90s. The journey of Wesley Wyndham-Price from his introduction to his suicide mission was possibly the best character arc that existed before The Sopranos (and I invite Alan in his infinite knowledge – or anyone, for that matter – to correct me if I’m wrong; I certainly didn’t watch it all).
I’m aware of it. I was born in 90 and I suspect I’m right on the border. I’ve prefaced a couple show recommendations the same way to people my own age.
Buffy does a great job of being binge-able without getting repetitive thanks to the overarching story and also allowing viewers to drop in randomly without feeling lost
Interesting that you started watching it older, EB. I don’t think it aged well. But when the alternative was Dawson’s Creek, it was like a beacon on a hill.
Sorry, I’m too busy basking in your kindness and empathy to give it further thought.
i could see bill walton as john cazale. midas touch but shortened career. sixth man superstar. theatrically relatable.
pt I thought of him but he also had one of the great leading performances in NBA history and was on his way to a sure-fire MVP when he splintered his foot.
Sorry to basketball-bomb what might qualify as the most schizophrenic thread in KB history, but both Macri and Edwards showering love on KAT today, and this from the latter is a nice thing to know:
“The Brunson/Towns pick-and-roll is the third-most used (714 times as of Wednesday) in the sport and is in the 99th percentile in terms of efficiency, netting 107.3 points per 100 possessions, according to Second Spectrum. It doesn’t stop there, though. Amongst qualifying partners with 75-plus pick-and-rolls run together, Cameron Payne and Towns are even more dominant with an average of 120.3 points per 100 possessions. That tandem has run 194 pick-and-rolls together. Towns and Josh Hart have run 112 pick-and-rolls together this season and are scoring 136.8 points per possession, which is the most efficient pick-and-roll combo in the entire league.”
just remembered sam peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch was about robbing banks…
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford has some cool train robbery stuff going on in it…
More sporting Cazales
Pete Maravich
Bjorn Borg
Duncan Edward’s (worth googling)
Interestingly, Raven, the Brunson-Hartenstein pick-and-roll blew that away (1.25 vs 1.07):
Of the 41 pairings in the NBA that ran at least 500 pick-and-rolls during the regular season, Brunson’s and Hartenstein’s 1.25 points per possession ranked as the third-most efficient. The only three ahead of them were famously dangerous combinations: The Denver Nuggets’ Jamal Murray and Nikola Jokic, the Pacers’ Tyrese Haliburton and Myles Turner and the Philadelphia 76ers’ Tyrese Maxey and Joel Embiid.
(Worth pointing out the terrible lack of editing in that paragraph, if only to further my bond with Doogie. Seriously, NY Times?)
Nice to see, but when the evidence shows that Towns-(the guys mentioned) PnR works well against the Celts (or any other offensive set, for that matter), I’ll be more impressed. They will get another crack at it in 9 days, hopefully they can find some answers for how to get their offense rolling against the best team defenses.
I’m late to the discussion. Don’t know if anyone has mentioned “Thief” directed by Michael Mann. Starring James Caan. Terrific heist movie. Early Michael Mann before Miami Vice. I’m a huge Michael Mann stan. He’s my favorite director of all time. His movies and shows are moody, atmospheric, and the music always matches and is iconic. I’m a New Yorker through and through, but he really captures the underbelly of places like Miami and LA, in a way that I can appreciate.
Some people just like this blog the most when they get a sense of unity from ganging up on the person who is different.
That’s 100% not true. My post was a direct response to a condescending and dismissive post about something I don’t even care about (Wicked). I said something because there have been several of those posts about things I DO care about (sci-fi and Geo), and I didn’t trust myself to respond neutrally about them when they happened. Since I truly don’t care about Wicked it was easier to call out that kind of harshness here without being intemperate. I personally very much feel that telling other people that what they like is that is rude and offensive, and I don’t feel it’s appropriate behavior on a blog. It doesn’t matter to me who does it; it’s not cool. “What you like is shit” is a really bad way to be part of a conversation.
Oh yeah and dog day afternoon is a classic gritty 70’s New York movie. With a very ahead of its times plot and protagonist/antagonist. It would be called “woke” today and dismissed.
Terrific heist movie.
If we open it up to heists, the list gets long fast. Personally it may be my favorite genre.
rama, don’t even bother, you just aren’t kind or empathetic enough to understand. Unless you insist that you are.
Clarence, what book is the fast angry read you referred to?
FWIW Rama I don’t associate you with that kind of behavior, and I was wrong to imply that may have been your intention (it was definitely the others’).
I think you may have misread the exchange between Clarence and Doogie, though. Clarence was actually deriding Wicked (“did anyone even see it?”). And Doogie was just agreeing with his derision, not trampling on his passion.
Butch Cassidy is a movie my parents loved and talked about all the time and I thought I would hate when I watched. But I definitely didn’t. Great flick. Is it a perfect movie? No. But it’s a hell of a lot of fun and a perfect vessel for the charisma of the two leads.
Also, somewhat randomly, but my Dad was friends with Bill Goldman. In fact, they had a friendship that principally consisted of going to Knicks games together. I never met him. But anyway, I like it for that reason too.
The Oscars have kind of lost me these days. Too many films seem to be nominated because of their political correctness. Also, now that there are ten nominees in every category it’s too confusing to think about the nominations.
i thought about Bill Walton too but he did lead a Portland team to a title first before he became more of a role player with the celtics.
I also thought Bill Walton’s leading role on Portland (and UCLA) disqualified him, but so did his work as a broadcaster.
I suppose there is no sports equivalent. You can find guys who contributed to greatness in a supporting role consistently (like Horry) or you can find guys who were brilliant but fizzled early (like Petrovic). Doesn’t seem to be anyone who combines both.
The more I think about it, Drazen Petrovic indeed might be a better comp than Brandon Roy, including the untimely death. I also like the Cazale/Buscemi pairing.
Clarence, I only used your name because I was responding *directly* to you regarding your question about anyone seeing Wicked. Sorry if my responding to you made you feel some type of way, as I had no reason to think anything other than that you were posing a question in earnest. And rama, aren’t we actually *supposed to* respond to other posters? Ignoring direct questions just seems kind of, you know…….mean.
By the way, Clarence, *what’s* a good read, “fast angry sexual”? I looked to see if we had prevously been talking about a book and if we were, I apologize, but I cannot seem to find it.
I kinda like to have a chocolate-covered Twinkie (formerly known as “Chocodiles” when I was a kid) maybe once a year. Why would I feel personally offended if any of you said they were crap (which is why I would eat one only once a year in the first place)? I didn’t create them, and have zero personal connection to them.
Hubert, I did not deride Wicked. I joked about the fact that everyone in the world has seen it… I know nothing about it and applaud the success of its craftspeople. I also haven’t seen Titanic. Not that anyone else has either. Doogie is doing some weird shit with me that makes my weird crawl up my skin like ambulatory toenails that decided they want to be fingernails.
Sam “Mayday” Malone had great character development!
For some reason I actually saw Titanic twice in the theaters.
Hubert, I did not deride Wicked
Well you definitely didn’t say you like it.
Also, somewhat randomly, but my Dad was friends with Bill Goldman. In fact, they had a friendship that principally consisted of going to Knicks games together. I never met him. But anyway, I like it for that reason too.
Yet another amazing KB connection. Most people know he wrote The Princess Bride, but don’t realize he also wrote Marathon Man. (Is it safe?) And of course BCATSK. Crazy range.
Well you definitely didn’t say you like it.
Is that derision? Or is it me leaving space for the people who do like it to not feel judged. It’s okay that you loved it.
Jay Williams!!!!!!! Bobby Hurley!!!!!!! Greg Oden, Reggie Lewis, Andrew Toney, Jason (White Chocolate) Williams, Jamal Mashburn, OAKAAK Cuttino Mobley?
I suppose there is no sports equivalent. You can find guys who contributed to greatness in a supporting role consistently (like Horry) or you can find guys who were brilliant but fizzled early (like Petrovic). Doesn’t seem to be anyone who combines both.
Isiaiah Hartenstein was John Cazale with respect to us IMO
Lamar Odom had sort of a longish career but was mostly notable as an elite role player on the Lakers before crashing and burning in the Land of the Kardashians.
Alas, he doesn’t pass the “universally beloved in retrospect” part of the Cazale test. And Khloe Kardashian is no Meryl Streep.
Is that derision?
“Did anyone even see it?” seems like derision if taken literally, which I did, until you also wrote “I also haven’t seen Titanic. Not that anyone else has either.”
I have not seen Titanic, either. Or Wicked.
I didn’t even know Wicked was a movie until a couple weeks ago. I actually thought all these people talking about it were going to Broadway.
Yeah, I took the inclusion of the word “even” (“even see it”?) as a sign of negative connotation, as well. That’s how it’s often used in today’s parlance, and Clarence is as socially in tune with today’s parlance as anyone else on here.
I am very grateful Manu lasted long enough in the NBA to not qualify as a Cazale.
Yeah, it was very cool that he knew Goldman so well but now that I am older I sometimes feel, could you maybe have brought him over for a drink?
Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies ever.
Isiaiah Hartenstein was John Cazale with respect to us IMO
He might be the answer!
He made the Knicks great. He’s making the Thunder great. If he gets traded to one more team, makes them great, and then blows out his achilles, Isaiah Hartenstein is John Cazale.
For some reason I actually saw Titanic twice in the theaters.
You had two girlfriends in 1997?
1997 was indeed a very, very, very, *very* good year (although BBA was the OP). Can’t believe that movie was released almost 30 years ago.
I’m late to the party but this is the best thread in a while (non game-thread category). 😀
I love Dog Days, The Heat and all Jon Cazale’s movies, plus The Thief is 10 times better than The Town (and to consider The Town in the “better” of something is really weird).
1974 Movies: Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Godfather II, The Conversation, Chinatown, The Front Page, Sugarland Express, Scent Of A Woman (original italian version featuring Vittorio Gassman), Don Siegel’s The Black Windmill, Louis Malle’s Lacombe Lucien and I can go on and on…
How many years do we need to assemble that kind of quality movies now?
Were there as many notable movies since 2020 to today?
I don’t think so.
Quick basketball thought: I hated Drazen when he played against my teams in Europe, but he was a basketball genius and died just when he was ready to take the League by storm 30 years before Luka.
in to the fray…
okay doogie, someone asks you to exclude their name from your posts…
stated explicitly they do not like you or care for your manner…
and, how do you react?
continuing to say their name repeatedly, bringing them up in your posts – for reasons, of course…
i don’t get the disconnect…unless it is completely intentional and is tied in to some other sick shit…
almost like – i can’t fuck you, so i’m gonna fight you…
seems like the word: stop, or no have limited meaning for you…
We can never go back to that, Max, but 67 delivered one of my top three movies in Cool hand Luke and then The Graduate, Bonnie and Clyde, the dirty dozen… it was a good year.
Interesting that you started watching it older, EB. I don’t think it aged well. But when the alternative was Dawson’s Creek, it was like a beacon on a hill.
There’s definitely a dose of campiness and melodrama, especially with Angel, at times. After a couple episodes I found I bought in to the premise well enough.
Part of the reason I went back to watch is just that I heard about it constantly growing up and was intrigued. I’d catch random reruns here and there when I was a bit older, where I mostly liked watching Spike be Spike.
Then in boarding school somebody randomly had the DVD set of the season where the gang starts college. There was only one TV and not much to do, so I begrudgingly got hooked in. The other shows we watched were Prison Break and Heroes, which both went downhill pretty fast.
Warrior Nun reminds me of Buffy a bit. Came out maybe 5 years ago. Very binge-able if you can get past the first 5 minutes and the fact it’s called Warrior Nun, which I wasn’t able to do after the first couple of recommendations.
Hmmm…this is a tough one…whose side of the kindness and empathy debate would I rather be on?….I think I’ll go with geo…
On a completely different topic, today is the 13th anniversary of the beginning of Linsanity, when he hit a 3 pointer to beat the Raptors in Toronto.
To this day, one of the craziest runs in the history of sports. He was on the cover of Sports Illustrated two weeks in a row, and made the cover of Time magazine also. I went to the game where he put up 36 vs. Kobe and the Lakers, and my friend and I kept whacking each other like we would wake up from a dream.
The Heat put an abrupt end to Linsanity, but boy, was it fun while it lasted!
And I don’t know if you got to see Hopkins in The Father, Max, but it will travel with me for a long fucking time. Anatomy of A Fall, A Zone of Interest, Corsage… since 2020, worth noting.
Oh and Border…. That movie was fucking awesome.
it’s funny z-man, after one of my health breakdown things, was starting over in the workforce and landed a job doing customer service for delivery/installation of appliances at new home sites…
i found that the best response to folks was often to mirror their emotions and mindset…to do so – you have to be able to view things from their perspective…for some that’s not easy…
it really helps though to diffuse soooooo many people effectively…
oh wait, you’re mad about something, man i’m even more mad about that than you…
i became aware of mirroring/modeling from toni robbins and his neuro linguistic programming stuff…it works, well, people rarely realize you are even doing it…
1999 is a famously good recent year. Magnolia, Matrix, Eyes Wide Shut, Election, Being John Malkovic, Sixth Sense, Office Space, Virgin Suicides, Iron Giant, The Insider, Fight Club, American Beauty, Talented Mr Ripley, Three Kings… Man.
Clarence, 1967 was great (if only because I was born 😉 ) I used 1974 because Alan wrote about that year in the thread, my comment was more a “now vs then”, despite CGI, blockbusters, Cinemax and streaming.
I’m sure The Father is a great movie but I can’t watch it, too many personal memories I’m not ready to relive, I’m getting soft with age…
P.S. 1999 was great, good call Rama. I think 1982 was very good too, but XX century’s basically all good 😉
Hear that. I just needed to mention Cool Hand Luke somehow. Selfish.
Also hear that on the Father. Coleman opposite Hopkins (no chewing) just incredible.
Hear that. I just needed to mention Cool Hand Luke somehow. Selfish.
No man can eat 50 eggs! They’re too damn expensive now.
Olivia Colman is a great actress.
British actors/actresses are so good… and they make the best TV series too! 🙂
I once ate 25 scrambled eggs because that was all that was in the fridge and my roommate challenged me after I said I was hungry enough to eat all of them. Also because of Cool Hand Luke. It was a Saturday morning, when I finished I went back to bed until Sunday.
d-mar, I love that plays the highlights of the Lin-Lakers game during ad breaks. It always makes me smile. Just saw that Jeremy is apparently going to coach one of the Rising Star teams…!
On a completely different topic, today is the 13th anniversary of the beginning of Linsanity, when he hit a 3 pointer to beat the Raptors in Toronto.
My wife has a Valentine birthday, and I remember spending much of our restaurant dinner that night telling her all about the Linsanity story, and I mentioned that they were playing Toronto as we spoke. She encouraged me to wander over to the bar, which is how I got to see him sink the game winner. That’s love.
I remember having a special weekend planned with my girlfriend that she let me change bc the Giants unexpectedly made the Super Bowl. Which was great except the weekend that we changed it to was one where I had tickets to the Knicks-Lakers game at MSG. No big deal, I thought at the time, I’ll just sell the tickets. I heard about the performance the next morning in Vermont.
So it’s OK if other posters use Clarence’s name to signal that they are responding directly to one of his posts, but it’s not OK if I literally do the exact same thing. LOL
What are you even talking about, geo? I know you’re bosom buddies with Clarence just because you met each other in person and all, but none of that has anything to do with me. You didn’t need to “diffuse” me, as I’m not mad about anything in the first place. I mean, thanks for your concern, I guess? 🙂
Thread Metastasized again.
Hell or High Water for the win. I eliminated The Wild Bunch because technically, they robbed the railroad’s payroll office. It could be argued that the money was on the way to the bank, so close enough, and that doesn’t seem objectionable. Maybe number 2 if it qualifies.
Concur with Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead as massively underrated.
Alan, that’s a rom com I would watch!!
25 eggs sounds catastrophically expensive.
My favorite eating challenge. Was at a poker club in the aughts and I don’t really remember how it came about, but one guy challenged another guy to eat 20 dollars worth of Taco Bell. I think they wagered 500 on it.
20 dollars worth of Taco Bell was a ton of food it turned out. Too much..
I was going to say that I didn’t think that it would be tough to eat only $20 worth of Taco Bell food—I could probably not only eat that amount, but pretty easily eat it in about five minutes if I were trying to win a bet or something—but then you related it to the timing. I guess I don’t remember when $20 was a lot when related to fast food.
$20 at Taco Bell in 2000 dollars was roughly 10 beef burritos. Place was dirt cheap.
Hell or High Water
Great! Probably my “most suggested to friends” movie in the last 20 years.
Indeed, metastasized it has become.
Oh, OK. Yeah, I could easily have eaten 10 beef burritos back then, but not in five minutes. Maybe in 15 – 20 minutes, but I wouldn’t have felt good (or good about it) afterwards. For $500, maybe not. For $1000, sure, what the hell.
“On a completely different topic, today is the 13th anniversary of the beginning of Linsanity, when he hit a 3 pointer to beat the Raptors in Toronto.”
It is crazy to think about. To be perfectly accurate (for Knicks diehards, anyway!) it was more towards the middle of Linsanity Lin’s magical started on February 4 vs. the Nets. We were coming off of a 2-11 streak, Melo was hurt, and the Shump-TDDWTTD thing wasn’t working. Lin subbed in during the 1st Q when the Knicks were down and wound up playing 36 minutes and proceeded to torch Deron Williams for 25-5-7 and 2 steals while leading the team to a much needed win to get the team to 9-15. He next played 45 minutes against the Jazz (who were pretty good) and put up 28 and 8 (also 8 TOVs but still) for another win. He then abused the awful Wizards for 23-10, and people outside of the Knicks universe were starting to notice, but diehards like us were already in a lovefest. Then came the quintessential Linsanity game…the one you were at on February 10. (it helped that the Lakers were on the 2nd night of a road b2b after a grueling OT win in Boston). Linsanity went national on that night. After that, there was a meh game from Lin, but the team was now on a 5-game Linsanity winning streak going into the Toronto game. By this point, my 12yo son and I couldn’t wait for the games. This one really blew the lid off of the hype-meter, we were losing all game but held Toronto to 12 in the 4th quarter (Shump switched onto Calderon who was killing us and had some massive defensive plays) setting up the Lin dagger off-the-dribble 3 from straightaway.
One standout Lin game I don’t remember at all was on Fenruary 19 against the defending champ Mavs. Lin had 28-4-14 and 5 steals against Jason Kidd…you would think that one would have stuck!
After that, the hype started dying down and it became obvious that Lin was good, but not as insanely good as he was during that stretch. Deron got some revenge (there was a KB get-together that night where I got to meet Mike K and Robert Silverman) and then the Miami debacle, followed by a 6-game losing streak.
But that 3 vs. Toronto will live in my mind’s eye forever as the absolute pinnacle of maybe the most glorious (if illusory) midseason stretch of my 60-year Knicks fan history.
back in the day …like the 70’s and 80’s…taco bell had this item called the “bell beefer”…it was a soft hamburger bun that they used an ice cream scoop to put a ball of taco meat on…then put lettuce and olives…on it…that was my favorite…with the enchirito a close second…it was their take on an enchilada but was just a bell beefer inside a soft corn tortilla enchilada style…i think those were premium items so they were like a buck versus 49 cents for a taco or a plain bean burrito…
I believe that Linsanity game vs Dallas was also JR Smith’s Knicks debut.
It was a lot harder than it sounds. Water allowed. You could puke but it had to be at the table. No bathroom breaks.
I would have bet the eater heavily. I wonder if 40 is the right number now. Inflation is strange.
“I just needed to mention Cool Hand Luke somehow.”
A couple of years ago I tried to get my son into it. Normally he loves the movies I suggest, but he just wasn’t having it. Maybe too slow moving for him. But I loved it. Maybe Newman’s best.
I think I also failed to get him into Papillon, maybe for the same reason.
Hi, Mr. Meeseeks. I don’t have a task for you, so you can just poof yourself away right now. Your existence has been justified! 🙂
Owen, that bell beefer sounded really good until…….the olives. (Or am I not allowed anymore to say that I don’t enjoy olives?)
Yay! Mr. Meeseeks already poofed away! Worked like a charm. LOL
I was in a bar in Philly for some reason for the Lakers game. It was bedlam.
Cazalesanity was a thing, until he died and had to end his career acting in China.
Edit – KNFINJ the fast angry read is a line from 3 o’clock high, was feeling the mood
You forgot the sexual part of “fast angry sexual.” Sounds like a lot. Glad you enjoyed it.
Nice Valentine’s Day text from GF just now. Made my day. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hell or High Water is so much better than the shows Taylor Sheridan makes (Yellowstone, Landman, et al), it’s amazing to think the same guy wrote all of them.
Doogie, bout to head to a spa with my husband who I met on this day 20 years ago. He poured a beer on me at the Phoenix Bar and we looked at each other and then kissed for about three minutes. That’s how it all started. I’m ever grateful.
But… if you want me to send you pictures of my dick or something, we’re like totally open. It’s all good. No shame buddy. You’ve probably already seen naked pictures of me or videos in highly sexualized attempts at actual sex. I’m into older guys or whatever. Lmk.
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career?
George Gipp.
Basketball, maybe Reggie Lewis.
Steve Prefontaine fits nicely as well.
Ayrton Senna.
Why would I suddenly want pictures like that (or any pictures at all) from you (or any other stranger), when I’ve never wanted any pictures like that from anyone at any point in my life before now? LOL I also wouldn’t have seen any pictures or videos of that nature that featured you or anyone else. Someone may take you up on that, but it’s not me—it’s simply not my cup of tea. Thanks for the offer, but definitely no. 🙂
Nice story about you and your hubby, though. Thanks for that, and very sweet that you met on Valentine’s Day!
I already offered Reggie Lewis, E. No takers.
Oh sorry, Doogie. 😉 Not in front of everyone else. We’ll just flirt for them. Cha cha cha. Gotcha.
Z-man, I think it was his best. Felt that character to my bones.
Nope, I also don’t enjoy anything at all about you, and would like for you to just go away. I truly wish you good luck with offering yourself to others, though, if that’s your thing. I’m guessing that a forum ostensibly dedicated to basketball won’t be your best bet.
Free Guy. Lots of bank robbing there.
(Ducks and runs…)
Now *that’s* one that I’ve never heard of. Based on your (virtually) running off after even the mere mention of it, that seems like something I should be happy about.
In the world of boxing, Salvador Sanchez was the equivalent of John Cazale.
Beat up on a bunch of world champions and Hall of Famers decisively, then died in a car wreck at age 23. His greatness was palpable, unquestioned.
It’s not a team sport, so the supporting player aspect isn’t the same. But as a legend who burned briefly and flawlessly, he was Cazale-like.
LeBron has scored over 1,000 points in each of his 21 seasons prior to this one, and that includes COVID years (he scored a career-low 1,126 points in 2020-21). Jayson Tatum and Donovan Mitchell have also scored over 1,000 points in each of their seven seasons.
Who is the one player not named LeBron who has done it for more seasons than Tatum or Mitchell?
Thurman Munson.
On a team of stars, helped win multiple championships, only to die at 32.
Solid pick, Donnie
Thurman Munson
We may have a winner
Yeah, that is a really good one.
Wish I was old enough to have watched the Bronx Zoo Yankees. Those late 70’s teams were my parents favorite, they had the 1978 championship team video and I’d watch it all the time as a little kid cause my parents came out cheering in the stands during Old Timers Day when Billy Martin was introduced.
In the world of boxing, Salvador Sanchez was the equivalent of John Cazale.
Sanchez had some incredible fights, but the one against Gomez left the biggest impression on me because I was a huge Gomez fan. Sanchez caught him fairly early, Gomez tried to rally, but Sanchez was too much.
I think I saw that fight at the Palladium in NY.
I remember a fight where a lot of the crowd was Mexican and a lot was Puerto Rican (with flags and all). I was afraid to root for either guy out loud because there was so much passion in the crowd. I was partying with both sides. 😉 I’m pretty sure that was the fight.
It’s Devin Booker. This will be his 10th straight season of 1,000 points or more.
Derrick Thomas KC Chief’s pass rusher.
Derrick was a star. Will never forget watching the seven sack highlights on ESPN.
Not quite Sanchez, but solid honorable mention to Diego (Chico) Corrales who gave Mayweather a decent fight, then authored probably the most epic single round in boxing history to win the undisputed lightweight title in 2005, a couple years before totaling his motorcycle with him on it. Gone at 29.
Gale Sayers had seven years of dominance and then injuries ruined him.
Bo Jackson had I think just four years of dominance before he had to have a hip replacement.
I can’t wait for the all star celebrity game………..not
I can’t wait for the all star celebrity game………..not
At least we can look forward to the highlight of the weekend: Mac McClung
Lou Gehrig?
This made me realize Hartenstein is the current Jeremy Lin. Turned a few good games into 30,000,000.
The Sly and the Family Stone doc on Hulu is freaking awesome.
thanks d-mar!!!
was watching their hall of fame induction the other day…
there are fairly recent vids of sly…can’t wait to watch…
Roberto Clemente
My father is in the record books for achieving one of the fastest knockouts in American professional boxing history. Eleven seconds (one second plus 10 for the count.)
Family Affair is one of the greatest songs I ever heard, listen to it on good headphones and there is some great musicianship going on in the backround. Top notch.
Hip deep in Sly right now. Thanks dmar!
Sly plays most of the instruments on “Family Affair” himself but two other stellar musicians play on it: Billy Preston on electric piano and Bobby Womack on guitar. Bobby Womack made one of my favorite soul singles ever, the asskicking “Across 110th Street.” Man, they just don’t make ‘em like that anymore.
I gotta check out the Sly doc. We covered Sly and the Family Stone on the Discograffiti podcast back when I was hosting that and we did some exhaustive research, so I know the story well.
Love Bobby Womack, pcp and all…
Saw David Gray play tonight, White Ladder is securely in the all-time great albums category. As far as 21st century albums go, it’s probably just that and The Love Below (then albums went largely obsolete). It’s sooo good.
David Gray definitely played a seminal role in a certain stage of my college life
210 replies on “Knicks Morning News (2025.02.14)”
Currently listening to Macri, Fred Katz, and their shared producer Andrew Claudio discuss what the best bank robbery movie of all time is. Several excellent films have been mentioned, including Inside Man, Heat, and The Town. Not a single person has so much as hinted at Dog Day Afternoon. Meanwhile, Andrew pitched Den of freaking Thieves.
I weep for the culture.
(Also: Quick Change has a sneaky argument for being in the top 5, though the bulk of the movie is about the getaway, rather than the robbery itself.)
The Lavender Hill Mob, though very old, is a British classic.
Have never heard of Dog Day Afternoon. Didn’t realize Matthew Broderick’s dad was an actor.
Owen, it has an argument as both the best bank robbery ever and the best New York movie ever. It’s incredible.
Can’t get the gif to load but just imagine Nic Cage
“That’s high praise.”
It’s going to be a looooooong All-Star break if we start breaking down the career of Nicolas Cage on here.
I kinda like Kendrick Perkins as a straight shooter/Knicks apologist/no “hot takes for the sake of having hot takes” guy, but “Perk predicts Thunder will make the NBA Finals: Kendrick Perkins calls out those who have disrespected the Oklahoma City Thunder this season and says he expects them to make the NBA Finals” (from
Way to go out on a limb, Perk.
I forgot about Quick Change, that was highly enjoyable.
Lots of great heist movies, but harder to think of ones specifically set in banks.
Wow. I’m kinda jealous you get to discover it now. I don’t have anything as cool to look forward to, screen-wise.
Long weekend with kids ahead. May be an opening.
Who the heck is disrespecting the Thunder Perk?
Yeah, my mind went to a lot of train & jewel heist films.
Even I know (and appreciate) Dog Day Afternoon, and I don’t know anything!
Alan, any thoughts on the Buffy reboot? Was curious if there was any legitimate cause for optimism.
Generally speaking, most of these “reboots” that are actually extensions and involve our heroes at older ages have made me sad. I never wanted to see Indiana Jones in his broke & bitter old man phase, for instance, and would prefer not to see an older Buffy Summers coping with the consequences of never having a 401k.
Al Pacino can get it… especially 70’s Al.
Reboots generally suck, for the reasons you mentioned and for other reasons, as well.
What does “can get it” mean, in this context?
I don’t agree. I really enjoyed JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot, for instance. And Christopher Nolan’s Batman reboot far exceeded everything that came before it.
The trick is to actually reboot. They suck when they involve the original characters at advanced ages (like JJ Abrams’ Star Wars reboot, the aforementioned Indiana Jones, or Matrix Resurrections).
I have not seen any of the listed movies. Will put Dog Day Afternoon on the bucket list.
Do either of the great filma of the Redford-Newman duo count…Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and The Sting?
while not set in the bank or just one robbery…always was fond of the Long Riders…some great robbery scenes and one other shootout scene that is legend…plus you got all the brothers in there…
I’d count Butch Cassidy.
Trading Places, obviously. (The Dukes are bankers, right?)
I’m wary of pretty much all revivals. A handful have worked — Party Down, Twin Peaks, Roseanne/The Conners — but the great majority of the time, they just don’t work. TV shows are a product of a specific time in the lives of 1)The characters on the show, 2)The people making the show, and 3)The audience watching. Change that time for any or all of those groups, and something is immediately off. Antics that were charming when a character was in their teens or 20s now feels sad when they’re fully adult. Things like that.
To the Buffy situation, you add the fact that so much of that show’s success was attributed (including by people like me) to Joss Whedon, who is now a toxic person nobody wants to work with, and who will not be involved in this. He worked with a lot of gifted writers, and maybe one of those other alums can steer the ship, but it sure sounds to me like yet another desperate grab for familiar intellectual property.
I’ve seen Dog Day multiple times, great film.
And John Cazale at his finest.
My girlfriend loves Star Trek reboots—Discovery, Picard, etc. She watches them when I’m not there. 🙂
Trading Places hasn’t aged well at all, like many other movies of its ilk from that time period.
Does “Take the Money and Run” (Woody Allen; 1969) count? I remember finding it to be very funny, but that was a long time ago. Maybe it hasn’t aged well, either. Plus, subsequent Woody Allen ooginess.
“Get the band back together” rarely works in music either..
Netflix killed tv.
Spoiler Alert : Attica! Attica! Sidney Lumet is one of my favorite directors. Besides Dog Day: 12 Angry Men, Serpico ( also with Pacino),Network,The Pawnbroker,Prince of the City, and one of his more underrated films Before the Devil Knows Your Dead( with the excellent Phillip Seymour Hoffman).
You’re back in mall cop mode, I see.
That’s exactly what the reboots I like do not have. There’s no nod to Jack Nicholson’s joker in the Dark Knight, for instance. Just a complete reimagining.
You can do a great Buffy reboot, IMO, if you abandon everything that came before and just bring the concept to a new time without the history. The concept being: take the things that every youth experiences and make them into remarkable, dramatic arcs using magic realism. (Season 2, for instance, was essentially “girl loves a boy, boy turns into a jerk after they have sex”, told with vampires and gypsy spells.)
The current youth has a whole new set of experiences that can be demonized (cell phones, social media, etc) and I think it would be great to apply the Buffy model to the current age. I probably wouldn’t watch it because I’m not a teenager but it would be cool for today’s teenagers to have it. But if all they’re going to do is try to appeal to the original Buffy fans who grew up, I’ll likely do my best to ignore it. I already thought seasons 6 & 7 were a desperate grab and wish I could unsee them.
I don’t think they are great movies, but I enjoyed both Bonnie and Clyde and the Highwaymen.
Anything with Cagney and crime is an all time classic.
Angels with Dirty Faces is in my top 3 favorite movies of all time just behind The Hustler and Casablanca.
White Heat is great.
That guy’s TS was like .1000%
“Trading Places hasn’t aged well at all, like many other movies of its ilk from that time period.
You’re back in mall cop mode, I see.”
How the hell am I “back in mall cop mode” (whatever the fuck that even actually means)? I’m not allowed to participate in the conversation and give my opinion on what is being discussed? I’m not correcting anyone, I’m not complaining about it being off topic, etc. What exactly is your issue with me *this* time?
The new Buffy is likely going to be a brutal affair. Did the kids need that new Beetlejuice?
The original Beetlejuice wasn’t good enough to even be worth a re-do.
Oh look, the Queen!
Hubert, were you a ST fan? Because I thought the Abrams reboots were kind of terrible. They were flashy (and lens-flarey) but totally fantasy and not sci-fi. They had little to do with either the ST ethos or the characters. Basically it was an extended audition for taking over Star Wars, which always WAS fantasy and a more appropriate venue for his brand of slick and shallow.
I mean, I guess if you didn’t care about ST you could appreciate that they were entertaining and fast-paced, but they were ST in name only. (This is not a slam on Al for rating the first movie pretty highly on his ST list, by the way – as ST movies go, it isn’t terrible [and some are egregious]. But to me it goes hard on the “don’t do it” side of the ledger.)
Just so I am not being totally contrary, I’ll agree that the Nolan reboot of Batman was great (until the third one) and captured the original essence of the character far better than any previous film.
Z-man, I love the Sting but have to admit that I didn’t connect with BCATSK. A fine movie, but nothing I felt like rewatching. I guess something something male friendships and beautifully shot, but kind of whatever. Maybe I should try again now that I’m old but there’s so much else to see…like half the Lumet movies I never got to.
Let’s not get carried away, just 3 of the 5 films he was in won the Oscar for best picture. The other 2 were only nominated. That’s .600 at best.
My mother was deeply madly for Newman, so his movies were slathered all over my brain. In its time the Sting was great.
EB, don’t you know that you’re not allowed to have any negative opinions here of anything that anyone else actually likes? If someone here likes it, then we *all* have to like it. I didn’t know that before today, but I learned it this morning. Odd, to be sure.
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career? Guy appears in only five movies in seven years: Godfather I and II, The Conversation, Dog Day Afternoon, The Dear Hunter. All are nominated for Best Picture. He is fantastic in all of them, but in clear supporting roles. Never a wrong note, clearly makes every movie he’s in better. Then career is tragically cut short by lung cancer. That’s it. All masterpieces, but not many, and he’s never the star.
I’m deeply madly for Jennifer Lawrence’s acting skillzzzzzzz. Too bad she thought it was a good idea to be a part of the Hunger Games franchise, though.
Fair enough EB. I guess it’s more accurate to say he was a mezzanine kind of actor whose career stagnated (particularly after his death).
That was the porn version, my man
Doogie, it’s true that you are trying to participate in a discussion in good faith, and that others are unnecessarily trolling you. I wish they wouldn’t do that while you are trying to rehab into a “respected” poster.
But the truth is, you have been a nuisance around here more times than not, annoying, angering and even disgusting the preponderance of posters here with your incessant spectrummy-pedant schtick. If you expect that you can just pivot to being something close to mainstream without anyone reminding you of how much of a dork you have been, that’s probably too much to expect.
Still, I call upon other posters to not unnecessarily trigger you when you are making a good faith (if sometimes awkward) effort to not be a dork.
new phone who dis
Alan, that he married one of the great actors of all time in Meryl Streep seems pretty telling.
Maybe Drazen Petrovic is a good sports analog?
One of those 2 was nominated against one of the other winners. He played for both NBA Finals teams that year(*).
(*) In 1974, Mel Brooks released Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, and he didn’t even have the best year that year of any director, since Coppola released Godfather II and The Conversation.
Meryl Streep was not actually married to him, ‘do. They lived together for three years before his passing, and seemed to love each other very much. A nice (but sad) story for this Valentine’s Day.
I wasn’t a “fan” like you are, I just watched them. And I only saw the first reboot. What I enjoyed about it was the way it subverted our expectations and presented us with new dynamics like Spock as the captain and Kirk as first mate. If you’re going to reboot something, that kind of thing seems worthy of exploration. If you’re just going to tell me the same exact story with different people, I don’t really care.
My favourite bank heist movies all tend to be comedies or semi comedic. Probably because I find stories about robbers more interesting if I can sympathise with them rather than hate them. A film like Dog Day Afternoon was a sort of worst case combo–robbers who you should hate but sympathise with together with the knowledge that it is all going to end badly with the suspense being just how badly. But towering performances nevertheless. Good illustration of “my favourites” and “all time greats” having little overlap. Sort of like David Lee.
Sarah Michelle Gellar was super hot back in the day.
And married to Freddie Prinze Jr., too.
John Cazale was some combination of Chamberlain, Russell and Floyd Mayweather. He was great and he also picked his spots really well.
Is there a basketball — or even just sports — equivalent of John Cazale’s career?
Bo Jackson?
Tony Lazzeri? The other, other hitter in Murderers’ Row. 14 year career. Won 5 World Series and lost 2. Apparently he died of a heart attack at 42. Those Yankees had absolutely no luck off the diamond.
Any Oscar predictions? I think it’s gotta be Anora for best pic right? Did anyone even go see Wicked?
“Z-man, I love the Sting but have to admit that I didn’t connect with BCATSK. A fine movie, but nothing I felt like rewatching. I guess something something male friendships and beautifully shot, but kind of whatever. Maybe I should try again now that I’m old but there’s so much else to see…like half the Lumet movies I never got to.”
I’m more into the schlock aspect of certain movies than many more erudite film critics. Butch Cassidy has a ton of what I think are iconic scenes. Katherine Ross is among my favorite film beauties. The music, sepia stills to color motion techniques, and backdrops are all positives for me. And, of course, the Redford-Newman interactions are priceless. It’s also loosely based on a true story of the actual outlaws.
I don’t know if younger people know this but there really wasn’t a lot of character development on tv in the 80s & 90s. The journey of Wesley Wyndham-Price from his introduction to his suicide mission was possibly the best character arc that existed before The Sopranos (and I invite Alan in his infinite knowledge – or anyone, for that matter – to correct me if I’m wrong; I certainly didn’t watch it all).
“Meryl Streep was not actually married to him, ‘do. They lived together for three years before his passing, and seemed to love each other very much. A nice (but sad) story for this Valentine’s Day.”
Yes, deeply devoted romantic partners would have been more accurate.
And Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
If it weren’t for the incineration (of his lung) he could have been a contender.
Katherine Ross is still with us—just turned 85.
Ignoring “Wicked” like the plague, Clarence, and trying to pretend that it’s not actually happening.
I’m team Butch Cassidy. For whatever reason, I didn’t get to either Newman/Redford team-up until the last couple of years, by which point both had been imitated and referenced so often that it felt as if I had already seen both many times. Yet Butch Cassidy still played spectacularly well for me, whereas I felt like I was losing a lot of the entertainment value of The Sting because I knew through pop culture osmosis how the actual con was going to work.
It’s actually pretty easy to see Butch Cassidy as a reboot of the American Western.
Am I the only one who didn’t find Anora that profound? It was definitely a good movie and I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it. I was entertained and invested throughout. As far as Best Picture is concerned though, it felt to me like it was a little confused about what message it wanted to send. I basically view it as an almost-as-good-but-not-quite-as-good version of Uncut Gems. YMMV.
Shamefully, I haven’t seen A Complete Unknown yet. What can I say, my old buddy understands I’m a busy guy.
Robert Horry
The greatest bank heist film of all time is “Hell or High Water.”
The second greatest bank heist film of all time is “Point Break.”
Apparently the restrooms at Miami-Dade are a total mess, and no one is planning on doing anything about that. Sorry if you’ve had to experience that on your many travels, Clarence. It sounds kind of horrific.
Also, “Dog Day Afternoon” is Al Pacino’s second best bank robbery movie. The first one is “Heat.”
Drazen Petrovic
Miami-Dade is a county, Doogie. And I assure not all the restrooms are a total mess because I just used one. Do you mean Miami International? That’s an airport.
Baker really doesn’t do profound. I thought Anora was good. Not great. It was not my favorite of the year but Oscars have to Oscar. I mean Brutalist could come in but we already know it’s Wicked.
Dying young isn’t what we’re talking about here.
To be the athletic equivalent of Cazale you have to always contribute to being on a great team without ever being the lead.
Tony Lazzeri is weird because he hit more triples than home runs THREE times in his career. Which for a guy with medium pop is pretty amazing.
(Today’s thread has me on full google search mode…)
LOL yes, I did in fact mean the airport—got the name of it wrong. I do know about the county designation. Thank you!
G-d, I hope Wicked doesn’t win anything significant. But you’re right, Clarence; it probably will.
Doogie, I care not for Wicked (though Marc Platt is a good guy, as Hollywood people go) and have no plans to see it, but that condescending, harsh dismissal–just as you harshly dismissed geo and videogames or apparently the entire genre of science fiction–that’s why you get the pushback you do. The pedantry, when you’re in that mode, is tedious and even ridiculous given the context – a basketball blog, ffs. But the cultural judgment is gonna get you judged in return.
So when you’re doing your “but I’m a good guy and other people started it” routine, bear in mind that telling other people that their passions are trash is not gonna be met with love and appreciation. It’s reprehensible behavior, something to be ashamed of and not celebrated.
Probably a couple running backs who were great for 4-5 years and then got hurt and never really played again
“Shamefully, I haven’t seen A Complete Unknown yet. What can I say, my old buddy understands I’m a busy guy.”
I would try to catch it while it is still in theaters, the music is probably best appreciated in that context.
Yes, but I don’t think Robert Horry qualifies either because his career was too long.
It would be a player who played a short career that was ended early for whatever reason but he was a star role player on some great championship level teams.
I can’t really think of anyone off the top of my head. Brandon Roy comes to mind but he was a star and those Portland teams were good but not great.
Hey, Doogie, just to let you know, plenty of people can see that two posters wrote long, boring, and completely unnecessary takedowns of you while everyone was having a good time. You don’t have to respond to their blatant attempts to derail this enjoyable thread.
Yabbut, Hubie, I’m not the only one saying that I don’t enjoy things that others like. I’m simply the only one being called out for doing so. Again.
Brandon Roy is a really good comp, I think. Sam Bowie? Yao Ming?
Yeah, that’s a good point. We need a Robert Horry who played for like 7 years.
Dog Day Afternoon is amazing! It has been a while, now I may have to watch it again this weekend!
This may be a reach, but does Steve Buscemi seem like some sort of morph of John Cazale, just with worse teeth?
It’s not about you, man. Some people just like this blog the most when they get a sense of unity from ganging up on the person who is different. They’re trolling you so that you will overreact because when you do, everyone will join them in condemning you and they will have the circle jerk that they came here for.
I’m just telling you that we see it. We may not comment on it, but we see it. You don’t have to respond to them or defend yourself. Just ignore them and carry on.
I think Petrovic is actually a decent one. He never made an all-star team but probably would have if he didn’t die.
The Nets improved by a ton of games once they got him and he helped lead them to the playoffs for two straight seasons before he died. He’s definitely one who could have had an amazing career if he hadn’t died.
Not having Dog’s Day Afternoon in that list is a travesty. But I’m more offended by even thiking of including the The Town there. Ben Affleck ripped off Michael Mann’s filmography so bad in that movie – it was a lesser version of Thief mixed in with Heat.
At least Den of Thieves is a banger of a film.
Should definitely be in the list for the best bank hiest film of the 2010s with Den of Theives and the very underrated A Place Beyond the Pines.
Also stop saying my name dude. I’m a cunt and the least interesting person here. I got a big dick but hey. Talk to Hubie. He likes you. I don’t. Why you bothering me.
nice job swifty on bringing up: Hell or High Water and Point Break…
better yet, those 2 movies are all about robbing banks…
hubie already kind of mentioned it – but the opening scene of the Dark Knight with the joker doing a bank heist is pretty great…
What an interesting support group, so much in common!
Shit I forgot there was a bank heist in that movie and that it was great. Not exactly a “bank heist film” but definitely a great scene.
Yes, I think we’re both kind and empathetic, and neither of us would ever stoop low enough to pick on someone to gain the approval of a group.
I know I lack the credibility to pull off a Kendrick Lamar quote but I hate a bitch that’s hatin’ on a bitch and they both hoes.
I’m on the mezzanine of the Met rn. Can see the resemblance.
Isn’t Goodfellas essentially a “big heist” movie? With the brilliance being that the Lufthansa heist itself is the overarching context but isn’t actually dramatized?
Its a good read, fast angry sexual. I was thinking about the syntax and how it affected the overall mood. Particularly in the more expository passages; in the fifth chapter where honey meets the whole Australian soccer team.
“Yes, I think we’re both kind and empathetic…”
“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
it won’t be long til happiness steps up to greet me
nice memory from like 50 years ago z-man 😊
I’m aware of it. I was born in 90 and I suspect I’m right on the border. I’ve prefaced a couple show recommendations the same way to people my own age.
Buffy does a great job of being binge-able without getting repetitive thanks to the overarching story and also allowing viewers to drop in randomly without feeling lost
Interesting that you started watching it older, EB. I don’t think it aged well. But when the alternative was Dawson’s Creek, it was like a beacon on a hill.
Sorry, I’m too busy basking in your kindness and empathy to give it further thought.
i could see bill walton as john cazale. midas touch but shortened career. sixth man superstar. theatrically relatable.
pt I thought of him but he also had one of the great leading performances in NBA history and was on his way to a sure-fire MVP when he splintered his foot.
Sorry to basketball-bomb what might qualify as the most schizophrenic thread in KB history, but both Macri and Edwards showering love on KAT today, and this from the latter is a nice thing to know:
“The Brunson/Towns pick-and-roll is the third-most used (714 times as of Wednesday) in the sport and is in the 99th percentile in terms of efficiency, netting 107.3 points per 100 possessions, according to Second Spectrum. It doesn’t stop there, though. Amongst qualifying partners with 75-plus pick-and-rolls run together, Cameron Payne and Towns are even more dominant with an average of 120.3 points per 100 possessions. That tandem has run 194 pick-and-rolls together. Towns and Josh Hart have run 112 pick-and-rolls together this season and are scoring 136.8 points per possession, which is the most efficient pick-and-roll combo in the entire league.”
just remembered sam peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch was about robbing banks…
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford has some cool train robbery stuff going on in it…
More sporting Cazales
Pete Maravich
Bjorn Borg
Duncan Edward’s (worth googling)
Interestingly, Raven, the Brunson-Hartenstein pick-and-roll blew that away (1.25 vs 1.07):
(Worth pointing out the terrible lack of editing in that paragraph, if only to further my bond with Doogie. Seriously, NY Times?)
Nice to see, but when the evidence shows that Towns-(the guys mentioned) PnR works well against the Celts (or any other offensive set, for that matter), I’ll be more impressed. They will get another crack at it in 9 days, hopefully they can find some answers for how to get their offense rolling against the best team defenses.
I’m late to the discussion. Don’t know if anyone has mentioned “Thief” directed by Michael Mann. Starring James Caan. Terrific heist movie. Early Michael Mann before Miami Vice. I’m a huge Michael Mann stan. He’s my favorite director of all time. His movies and shows are moody, atmospheric, and the music always matches and is iconic. I’m a New Yorker through and through, but he really captures the underbelly of places like Miami and LA, in a way that I can appreciate.
That’s 100% not true. My post was a direct response to a condescending and dismissive post about something I don’t even care about (Wicked). I said something because there have been several of those posts about things I DO care about (sci-fi and Geo), and I didn’t trust myself to respond neutrally about them when they happened. Since I truly don’t care about Wicked it was easier to call out that kind of harshness here without being intemperate. I personally very much feel that telling other people that what they like is that is rude and offensive, and I don’t feel it’s appropriate behavior on a blog. It doesn’t matter to me who does it; it’s not cool. “What you like is shit” is a really bad way to be part of a conversation.
Oh yeah and dog day afternoon is a classic gritty 70’s New York movie. With a very ahead of its times plot and protagonist/antagonist. It would be called “woke” today and dismissed.
If we open it up to heists, the list gets long fast. Personally it may be my favorite genre.
rama, don’t even bother, you just aren’t kind or empathetic enough to understand. Unless you insist that you are.
Clarence, what book is the fast angry read you referred to?
FWIW Rama I don’t associate you with that kind of behavior, and I was wrong to imply that may have been your intention (it was definitely the others’).
I think you may have misread the exchange between Clarence and Doogie, though. Clarence was actually deriding Wicked (“did anyone even see it?”). And Doogie was just agreeing with his derision, not trampling on his passion.
Butch Cassidy is a movie my parents loved and talked about all the time and I thought I would hate when I watched. But I definitely didn’t. Great flick. Is it a perfect movie? No. But it’s a hell of a lot of fun and a perfect vessel for the charisma of the two leads.
Also, somewhat randomly, but my Dad was friends with Bill Goldman. In fact, they had a friendship that principally consisted of going to Knicks games together. I never met him. But anyway, I like it for that reason too.
The Oscars have kind of lost me these days. Too many films seem to be nominated because of their political correctness. Also, now that there are ten nominees in every category it’s too confusing to think about the nominations.
i thought about Bill Walton too but he did lead a Portland team to a title first before he became more of a role player with the celtics.
I also thought Bill Walton’s leading role on Portland (and UCLA) disqualified him, but so did his work as a broadcaster.
I suppose there is no sports equivalent. You can find guys who contributed to greatness in a supporting role consistently (like Horry) or you can find guys who were brilliant but fizzled early (like Petrovic). Doesn’t seem to be anyone who combines both.
The more I think about it, Drazen Petrovic indeed might be a better comp than Brandon Roy, including the untimely death. I also like the Cazale/Buscemi pairing.
Clarence, I only used your name because I was responding *directly* to you regarding your question about anyone seeing Wicked. Sorry if my responding to you made you feel some type of way, as I had no reason to think anything other than that you were posing a question in earnest. And rama, aren’t we actually *supposed to* respond to other posters? Ignoring direct questions just seems kind of, you know…….mean.
By the way, Clarence, *what’s* a good read, “fast angry sexual”? I looked to see if we had prevously been talking about a book and if we were, I apologize, but I cannot seem to find it.
I kinda like to have a chocolate-covered Twinkie (formerly known as “Chocodiles” when I was a kid) maybe once a year. Why would I feel personally offended if any of you said they were crap (which is why I would eat one only once a year in the first place)? I didn’t create them, and have zero personal connection to them.
Hubert, I did not deride Wicked. I joked about the fact that everyone in the world has seen it… I know nothing about it and applaud the success of its craftspeople. I also haven’t seen Titanic. Not that anyone else has either. Doogie is doing some weird shit with me that makes my weird crawl up my skin like ambulatory toenails that decided they want to be fingernails.
Sam “Mayday” Malone had great character development!
For some reason I actually saw Titanic twice in the theaters.
Well you definitely didn’t say you like it.
Yet another amazing KB connection. Most people know he wrote The Princess Bride, but don’t realize he also wrote Marathon Man. (Is it safe?) And of course BCATSK. Crazy range.
Is that derision? Or is it me leaving space for the people who do like it to not feel judged. It’s okay that you loved it.
Jay Williams!!!!!!! Bobby Hurley!!!!!!! Greg Oden, Reggie Lewis, Andrew Toney, Jason (White Chocolate) Williams, Jamal Mashburn, OAKAAK Cuttino Mobley?
Isiaiah Hartenstein was John Cazale with respect to us IMO
Lamar Odom had sort of a longish career but was mostly notable as an elite role player on the Lakers before crashing and burning in the Land of the Kardashians.
Alas, he doesn’t pass the “universally beloved in retrospect” part of the Cazale test. And Khloe Kardashian is no Meryl Streep.
“Did anyone even see it?” seems like derision if taken literally, which I did, until you also wrote “I also haven’t seen Titanic. Not that anyone else has either.”
I have not seen Titanic, either. Or Wicked.
I didn’t even know Wicked was a movie until a couple weeks ago. I actually thought all these people talking about it were going to Broadway.
Yeah, I took the inclusion of the word “even” (“even see it”?) as a sign of negative connotation, as well. That’s how it’s often used in today’s parlance, and Clarence is as socially in tune with today’s parlance as anyone else on here.
I am very grateful Manu lasted long enough in the NBA to not qualify as a Cazale.
Yeah, it was very cool that he knew Goldman so well but now that I am older I sometimes feel, could you maybe have brought him over for a drink?
Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies ever.
He might be the answer!
He made the Knicks great. He’s making the Thunder great. If he gets traded to one more team, makes them great, and then blows out his achilles, Isaiah Hartenstein is John Cazale.
You had two girlfriends in 1997?
1997 was indeed a very, very, very, *very* good year (although BBA was the OP). Can’t believe that movie was released almost 30 years ago.
I’m late to the party but this is the best thread in a while (non game-thread category). 😀
I love Dog Days, The Heat and all Jon Cazale’s movies, plus The Thief is 10 times better than The Town (and to consider The Town in the “better” of something is really weird).
1974 Movies: Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Godfather II, The Conversation, Chinatown, The Front Page, Sugarland Express, Scent Of A Woman (original italian version featuring Vittorio Gassman), Don Siegel’s The Black Windmill, Louis Malle’s Lacombe Lucien and I can go on and on…
How many years do we need to assemble that kind of quality movies now?
Were there as many notable movies since 2020 to today?
I don’t think so.
Quick basketball thought: I hated Drazen when he played against my teams in Europe, but he was a basketball genius and died just when he was ready to take the League by storm 30 years before Luka.
in to the fray…
okay doogie, someone asks you to exclude their name from your posts…
stated explicitly they do not like you or care for your manner…
and, how do you react?
continuing to say their name repeatedly, bringing them up in your posts – for reasons, of course…
i don’t get the disconnect…unless it is completely intentional and is tied in to some other sick shit…
almost like – i can’t fuck you, so i’m gonna fight you…
seems like the word: stop, or no have limited meaning for you…
We can never go back to that, Max, but 67 delivered one of my top three movies in Cool hand Luke and then The Graduate, Bonnie and Clyde, the dirty dozen… it was a good year.
There’s definitely a dose of campiness and melodrama, especially with Angel, at times. After a couple episodes I found I bought in to the premise well enough.
Part of the reason I went back to watch is just that I heard about it constantly growing up and was intrigued. I’d catch random reruns here and there when I was a bit older, where I mostly liked watching Spike be Spike.
Then in boarding school somebody randomly had the DVD set of the season where the gang starts college. There was only one TV and not much to do, so I begrudgingly got hooked in. The other shows we watched were Prison Break and Heroes, which both went downhill pretty fast.
Warrior Nun reminds me of Buffy a bit. Came out maybe 5 years ago. Very binge-able if you can get past the first 5 minutes and the fact it’s called Warrior Nun, which I wasn’t able to do after the first couple of recommendations.
Hmmm…this is a tough one…whose side of the kindness and empathy debate would I rather be on?….I think I’ll go with geo…
On a completely different topic, today is the 13th anniversary of the beginning of Linsanity, when he hit a 3 pointer to beat the Raptors in Toronto.
To this day, one of the craziest runs in the history of sports. He was on the cover of Sports Illustrated two weeks in a row, and made the cover of Time magazine also. I went to the game where he put up 36 vs. Kobe and the Lakers, and my friend and I kept whacking each other like we would wake up from a dream.
The Heat put an abrupt end to Linsanity, but boy, was it fun while it lasted!
And I don’t know if you got to see Hopkins in The Father, Max, but it will travel with me for a long fucking time. Anatomy of A Fall, A Zone of Interest, Corsage… since 2020, worth noting.
Oh and Border…. That movie was fucking awesome.
it’s funny z-man, after one of my health breakdown things, was starting over in the workforce and landed a job doing customer service for delivery/installation of appliances at new home sites…
i found that the best response to folks was often to mirror their emotions and mindset…to do so – you have to be able to view things from their perspective…for some that’s not easy…
it really helps though to diffuse soooooo many people effectively…
oh wait, you’re mad about something, man i’m even more mad about that than you…
i became aware of mirroring/modeling from toni robbins and his neuro linguistic programming stuff…it works, well, people rarely realize you are even doing it…
1999 is a famously good recent year. Magnolia, Matrix, Eyes Wide Shut, Election, Being John Malkovic, Sixth Sense, Office Space, Virgin Suicides, Iron Giant, The Insider, Fight Club, American Beauty, Talented Mr Ripley, Three Kings… Man.
Clarence, 1967 was great (if only because I was born 😉 ) I used 1974 because Alan wrote about that year in the thread, my comment was more a “now vs then”, despite CGI, blockbusters, Cinemax and streaming.
I’m sure The Father is a great movie but I can’t watch it, too many personal memories I’m not ready to relive, I’m getting soft with age…
P.S. 1999 was great, good call Rama. I think 1982 was very good too, but XX century’s basically all good 😉
Hear that. I just needed to mention Cool Hand Luke somehow. Selfish.
Also hear that on the Father. Coleman opposite Hopkins (no chewing) just incredible.
No man can eat 50 eggs! They’re too damn expensive now.
Olivia Colman is a great actress.
British actors/actresses are so good… and they make the best TV series too! 🙂
I once ate 25 scrambled eggs because that was all that was in the fridge and my roommate challenged me after I said I was hungry enough to eat all of them. Also because of Cool Hand Luke. It was a Saturday morning, when I finished I went back to bed until Sunday.
d-mar, I love that plays the highlights of the Lin-Lakers game during ad breaks. It always makes me smile. Just saw that Jeremy is apparently going to coach one of the Rising Star teams…!
My wife has a Valentine birthday, and I remember spending much of our restaurant dinner that night telling her all about the Linsanity story, and I mentioned that they were playing Toronto as we spoke. She encouraged me to wander over to the bar, which is how I got to see him sink the game winner. That’s love.
I remember having a special weekend planned with my girlfriend that she let me change bc the Giants unexpectedly made the Super Bowl. Which was great except the weekend that we changed it to was one where I had tickets to the Knicks-Lakers game at MSG. No big deal, I thought at the time, I’ll just sell the tickets. I heard about the performance the next morning in Vermont.
So it’s OK if other posters use Clarence’s name to signal that they are responding directly to one of his posts, but it’s not OK if I literally do the exact same thing. LOL
What are you even talking about, geo? I know you’re bosom buddies with Clarence just because you met each other in person and all, but none of that has anything to do with me. You didn’t need to “diffuse” me, as I’m not mad about anything in the first place. I mean, thanks for your concern, I guess? 🙂
Thread Metastasized again.
Hell or High Water for the win. I eliminated The Wild Bunch because technically, they robbed the railroad’s payroll office. It could be argued that the money was on the way to the bank, so close enough, and that doesn’t seem objectionable. Maybe number 2 if it qualifies.
Concur with Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead as massively underrated.
Alan, that’s a rom com I would watch!!
25 eggs sounds catastrophically expensive.
My favorite eating challenge. Was at a poker club in the aughts and I don’t really remember how it came about, but one guy challenged another guy to eat 20 dollars worth of Taco Bell. I think they wagered 500 on it.
20 dollars worth of Taco Bell was a ton of food it turned out. Too much..
I was going to say that I didn’t think that it would be tough to eat only $20 worth of Taco Bell food—I could probably not only eat that amount, but pretty easily eat it in about five minutes if I were trying to win a bet or something—but then you related it to the timing. I guess I don’t remember when $20 was a lot when related to fast food.
$20 at Taco Bell in 2000 dollars was roughly 10 beef burritos. Place was dirt cheap.
Great! Probably my “most suggested to friends” movie in the last 20 years.
Indeed, metastasized it has become.
Oh, OK. Yeah, I could easily have eaten 10 beef burritos back then, but not in five minutes. Maybe in 15 – 20 minutes, but I wouldn’t have felt good (or good about it) afterwards. For $500, maybe not. For $1000, sure, what the hell.
“On a completely different topic, today is the 13th anniversary of the beginning of Linsanity, when he hit a 3 pointer to beat the Raptors in Toronto.”
It is crazy to think about. To be perfectly accurate (for Knicks diehards, anyway!) it was more towards the middle of Linsanity Lin’s magical started on February 4 vs. the Nets. We were coming off of a 2-11 streak, Melo was hurt, and the Shump-TDDWTTD thing wasn’t working. Lin subbed in during the 1st Q when the Knicks were down and wound up playing 36 minutes and proceeded to torch Deron Williams for 25-5-7 and 2 steals while leading the team to a much needed win to get the team to 9-15. He next played 45 minutes against the Jazz (who were pretty good) and put up 28 and 8 (also 8 TOVs but still) for another win. He then abused the awful Wizards for 23-10, and people outside of the Knicks universe were starting to notice, but diehards like us were already in a lovefest. Then came the quintessential Linsanity game…the one you were at on February 10. (it helped that the Lakers were on the 2nd night of a road b2b after a grueling OT win in Boston). Linsanity went national on that night. After that, there was a meh game from Lin, but the team was now on a 5-game Linsanity winning streak going into the Toronto game. By this point, my 12yo son and I couldn’t wait for the games. This one really blew the lid off of the hype-meter, we were losing all game but held Toronto to 12 in the 4th quarter (Shump switched onto Calderon who was killing us and had some massive defensive plays) setting up the Lin dagger off-the-dribble 3 from straightaway.
One standout Lin game I don’t remember at all was on Fenruary 19 against the defending champ Mavs. Lin had 28-4-14 and 5 steals against Jason Kidd…you would think that one would have stuck!
After that, the hype started dying down and it became obvious that Lin was good, but not as insanely good as he was during that stretch. Deron got some revenge (there was a KB get-together that night where I got to meet Mike K and Robert Silverman) and then the Miami debacle, followed by a 6-game losing streak.
But that 3 vs. Toronto will live in my mind’s eye forever as the absolute pinnacle of maybe the most glorious (if illusory) midseason stretch of my 60-year Knicks fan history.
back in the day …like the 70’s and 80’s…taco bell had this item called the “bell beefer”…it was a soft hamburger bun that they used an ice cream scoop to put a ball of taco meat on…then put lettuce and olives…on it…that was my favorite…with the enchirito a close second…it was their take on an enchilada but was just a bell beefer inside a soft corn tortilla enchilada style…i think those were premium items so they were like a buck versus 49 cents for a taco or a plain bean burrito…
I believe that Linsanity game vs Dallas was also JR Smith’s Knicks debut.
It was a lot harder than it sounds. Water allowed. You could puke but it had to be at the table. No bathroom breaks.
I would have bet the eater heavily. I wonder if 40 is the right number now. Inflation is strange.
“I just needed to mention Cool Hand Luke somehow.”
A couple of years ago I tried to get my son into it. Normally he loves the movies I suggest, but he just wasn’t having it. Maybe too slow moving for him. But I loved it. Maybe Newman’s best.
I think I also failed to get him into Papillon, maybe for the same reason.
Hi, Mr. Meeseeks. I don’t have a task for you, so you can just poof yourself away right now. Your existence has been justified! 🙂
Owen, that bell beefer sounded really good until…….the olives. (Or am I not allowed anymore to say that I don’t enjoy olives?)
Yay! Mr. Meeseeks already poofed away! Worked like a charm. LOL
I was in a bar in Philly for some reason for the Lakers game. It was bedlam.
Cazalesanity was a thing, until he died and had to end his career acting in China.
Edit – KNFINJ the fast angry read is a line from 3 o’clock high, was feeling the mood
You forgot the sexual part of “fast angry sexual.” Sounds like a lot. Glad you enjoyed it.
Nice Valentine’s Day text from GF just now. Made my day. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hell or High Water is so much better than the shows Taylor Sheridan makes (Yellowstone, Landman, et al), it’s amazing to think the same guy wrote all of them.
Doogie, bout to head to a spa with my husband who I met on this day 20 years ago. He poured a beer on me at the Phoenix Bar and we looked at each other and then kissed for about three minutes. That’s how it all started. I’m ever grateful.
But… if you want me to send you pictures of my dick or something, we’re like totally open. It’s all good. No shame buddy. You’ve probably already seen naked pictures of me or videos in highly sexualized attempts at actual sex. I’m into older guys or whatever. Lmk.
George Gipp.
Basketball, maybe Reggie Lewis.
Steve Prefontaine fits nicely as well.
Ayrton Senna.
Why would I suddenly want pictures like that (or any pictures at all) from you (or any other stranger), when I’ve never wanted any pictures like that from anyone at any point in my life before now? LOL I also wouldn’t have seen any pictures or videos of that nature that featured you or anyone else. Someone may take you up on that, but it’s not me—it’s simply not my cup of tea. Thanks for the offer, but definitely no. 🙂
Nice story about you and your hubby, though. Thanks for that, and very sweet that you met on Valentine’s Day!
I already offered Reggie Lewis, E. No takers.
Oh sorry, Doogie. 😉 Not in front of everyone else. We’ll just flirt for them. Cha cha cha. Gotcha.
Z-man, I think it was his best. Felt that character to my bones.
Nope, I also don’t enjoy anything at all about you, and would like for you to just go away. I truly wish you good luck with offering yourself to others, though, if that’s your thing. I’m guessing that a forum ostensibly dedicated to basketball won’t be your best bet.
Free Guy. Lots of bank robbing there.
(Ducks and runs…)
Now *that’s* one that I’ve never heard of. Based on your (virtually) running off after even the mere mention of it, that seems like something I should be happy about.
In the world of boxing, Salvador Sanchez was the equivalent of John Cazale.
Beat up on a bunch of world champions and Hall of Famers decisively, then died in a car wreck at age 23. His greatness was palpable, unquestioned.
It’s not a team sport, so the supporting player aspect isn’t the same. But as a legend who burned briefly and flawlessly, he was Cazale-like.
LeBron has scored over 1,000 points in each of his 21 seasons prior to this one, and that includes COVID years (he scored a career-low 1,126 points in 2020-21). Jayson Tatum and Donovan Mitchell have also scored over 1,000 points in each of their seven seasons.
Who is the one player not named LeBron who has done it for more seasons than Tatum or Mitchell?
Thurman Munson.
On a team of stars, helped win multiple championships, only to die at 32.
Solid pick, Donnie
We may have a winner
Yeah, that is a really good one.
Wish I was old enough to have watched the Bronx Zoo Yankees. Those late 70’s teams were my parents favorite, they had the 1978 championship team video and I’d watch it all the time as a little kid cause my parents came out cheering in the stands during Old Timers Day when Billy Martin was introduced.
Sanchez had some incredible fights, but the one against Gomez left the biggest impression on me because I was a huge Gomez fan. Sanchez caught him fairly early, Gomez tried to rally, but Sanchez was too much.
I think I saw that fight at the Palladium in NY.
I remember a fight where a lot of the crowd was Mexican and a lot was Puerto Rican (with flags and all). I was afraid to root for either guy out loud because there was so much passion in the crowd. I was partying with both sides. 😉 I’m pretty sure that was the fight.
It’s Devin Booker. This will be his 10th straight season of 1,000 points or more.
Derrick Thomas KC Chief’s pass rusher.
Derrick was a star. Will never forget watching the seven sack highlights on ESPN.
Not quite Sanchez, but solid honorable mention to Diego (Chico) Corrales who gave Mayweather a decent fight, then authored probably the most epic single round in boxing history to win the undisputed lightweight title in 2005, a couple years before totaling his motorcycle with him on it. Gone at 29.
Gale Sayers had seven years of dominance and then injuries ruined him.
Bo Jackson had I think just four years of dominance before he had to have a hip replacement.
I can’t wait for the all star celebrity game………..not
At least we can look forward to the highlight of the weekend: Mac McClung
Lou Gehrig?
This made me realize Hartenstein is the current Jeremy Lin. Turned a few good games into 30,000,000.
The Sly and the Family Stone doc on Hulu is freaking awesome.
thanks d-mar!!!
was watching their hall of fame induction the other day…
there are fairly recent vids of sly…can’t wait to watch…
Roberto Clemente
My father is in the record books for achieving one of the fastest knockouts in American professional boxing history. Eleven seconds (one second plus 10 for the count.)
Family Affair is one of the greatest songs I ever heard, listen to it on good headphones and there is some great musicianship going on in the backround. Top notch.
Hip deep in Sly right now. Thanks dmar!
Sly plays most of the instruments on “Family Affair” himself but two other stellar musicians play on it: Billy Preston on electric piano and Bobby Womack on guitar. Bobby Womack made one of my favorite soul singles ever, the asskicking “Across 110th Street.” Man, they just don’t make ‘em like that anymore.
I gotta check out the Sly doc. We covered Sly and the Family Stone on the Discograffiti podcast back when I was hosting that and we did some exhaustive research, so I know the story well.
Love Bobby Womack, pcp and all…
Saw David Gray play tonight, White Ladder is securely in the all-time great albums category. As far as 21st century albums go, it’s probably just that and The Love Below (then albums went largely obsolete). It’s sooo good.
David Gray definitely played a seminal role in a certain stage of my college life